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AMLOC Online

Auxiliary Mid- Level Officer Course, AMLOC, is designed to help FC's, VCDR's and DCDR's and other interested Auxiliarist in serving in leadership roles by giving them tools and opportunities to develop their skills as leaders in a dynamic, volunteer centered, environment.

AMLOC is a 45 hour course with pre-work and homework that needs to be completed to receive credit for the course. There is a concentrated 24 hours session and then follow up with online dialogue with your fellow students and three sessions after the initial session to complete the course.

As it is realized not everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of the on-ground courses held across the Auxiliary landscape. AMLOC ONLINE is available to get the material presented at in person C Schools in the comfort of your home or office.

AMLOC ONLINE will hopefully be offered once a quarter with dates and times depending upon the availability of instructors. Look at the online course page to see when the sessions will be held.

The material will be posted for each session at the CGAUX Classroom MOODLE site under ONLINE AMLOC Date.

To be part of a particular session you need to be enrolled in the session by the lead instructor and that occurs when you complete the online application for the session. Be sure to place the session you want to take on the form as well.

Who Can Attend AMLOC ONLINE?

Whereas AMLOC was originally created to enhance the leadership skills of the Division Commanders it has expanded to be target audience of AUXLAMS graduates with second year Flotilla Commander’s, FCs, Division Vice Commanders, VCDRs, Division Staff Officers, SOs and DVCs.

Any member of the Auxiliary may attend the AMLOC- ONLINE sessions but it is highly suggested that members take AUXLAMS A and B or the Resident course prior to taking AMLOC as the courses build upon each other all the way to Auxiliary Senior Officer Course, ASOC.

Click this link to take you to the AMLOC-ONLINE request form. Upon completion your form will be forwarded to Peter Graham, Branch Chief for AMLOC to forward it to the lead instructor for the online session you have selected. They will contact you about session details.

TAKING ON-LINE SESSIONS - What is needed to make the connection.

You will need the following equipment to be able to get the most out of the AMLOC on-line sessions:

  1. Laptop with camera or a desktop with portable camera

  2. Headset with microphone. Be sure to try them out first so that you will feel comfortable with them on for up to eight hours at a time. (Some laptops have adequate microphones built in but try it out before session starts for clarity)

  3. A VERY good, high speed connection. There are many videos on the course, and you will need higher speed to view them on-line easily.

  4. Suggested but not required- A good light to shine on you from the front and a quite location without back lighting such as lamps and windows. Video lights can be purchased for a varying cost from $20.00 to $100.00 for this purpose. Many of these items can be purchased online at various merchants from Walmart to Amazon as an example for nominal cost.