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Welcome to the Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course Web Site

What is the Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course?

The course has been developed around the US Coast Guard Senior SLPS material which is based upon the work of James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner and their THE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE material.

It is connected to the Coast Guard Leadership Competencies, which lay the foundation for all leadership skills necessary to successful leadership in the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary.

The Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course (AMLOC) [AUX-05A] is the Coast Guard Senior Leadership Principles and Skills (SLPS) Course adapted for the volunteer Auxiliary environment, and is taught by Coast Guard trained instructors.

How to Apply for the web-conferencing MOODLE Course

If you are interested in attending this MOODLE course, please login into the Member Zone first. Then complete the AUX05A pre-course registration survey at this link.

Your registration will be reviewed, and if space is available, you will be contacted with the course date information.

If you have questions regarding this web conferencing MOODLE course, please contact Peter Graham, Branch Chief at [email protected].

This course is designed to develop leadership skills, knowledge, and performance for Coast Guard Auxiliary personnel making the transition from first line leadership level to mid-level leadership positions.

This course is for Mid-Level Auxiliary Leaders. These members of Team Coast Guard are those individuals in the organization that provide direction and vision to the flotillas. They are responsible for developing and communicating their direction to Flotilla Commanders and Division Staff Officers.

Emphasis is placed on classroom discussions of various leadership concepts and various models. Students use this knowledge to better lead work groups and to understand and promote organizational mission and goals.

The course objective is to develop skills in the following areas: communicating for understanding, exerting a positive influence over others, creating an environment which encourages continued motivation in times of change, recognizing diversity and its value, recognizing generational differences and the need for appropriate leadership techniques, getting the job done while taking care of your people, developing vision and getting others to desire the same, as well as executing that vision, implementing strategic thinking, recognizing conflict resolution principles and positive communication skills, recognizing synergy as an advantage to teams, achieving ethical fitness in leadership management, and recognizing team-building structures and group dynamics.

These objectives are accomplished by group discussion, designed experiential activities, and facilitated discussion by trained subject matter experts.

Students are required to demonstrate an understanding of the areas listed above through various in-class and post class assignments.