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                              Trainee Comments about the AFLC

During the past year the Auxiliary Flotilla Leadership Course (AFLC) has been offered at several District Conferences, division leadership training sessions, and on-line sessions.  Following are comments received from several of trainees who attended those sessions. 

"This is the Seventh Flotilla Commander Academy that we have conducted in our division and each year we update and improve.. By using the AFLC course we were able to ensure that we covered all the essential elements for leading a flotilla."

"The Auxiliary Flotilla Leadership Course opens the door for any Auxiliarist, whether they are looking to become an elected or staff officer.  It provides insight into many procedures and policies that a member might not have thought about and makes the process that much easier.  It answers a lot of questions."

The on-line course "module Module videos were very informative.  I am sure I will access them in the future for reference.  The Module 4 discussion is on par with all the other great discussions I have read throughout this course.  It's a great way to hear from other Auxiliary members throughout the country.  As a prior service member, it brought back some of my own experiences.  Especially leading Marines and Law Enforcement officers of different generations and experiences.  The resources were spot on and easily accessible.  No suggestions, great course!!!"

"Overall a great course.  Provided me with training lessons that I would not receive through my flotilla.  Furthermore, the material provided a 30,000 foot course on leadership with excellent take away materials for future reference and additional review."  

"Overall, I have leaned a lot since I started this course and I believe one will be a better elected leader or appointed officer in the Auxiliary by taking this course.  I am not sure if one could retake it in the future but I hope the videos stay accessible as valuable references.  Thanks to all for putting this course together and developing us."

"I was skeptical of the-on-line course format at first.  But I now see the value in it as opposed to just reading and taking a quiz or test.  This format allows a student to 'think' and draw out his or her own experiences and put on paper the influences that the leadership course material has applied to them, or now will apply to them.  I recommend that this format be continues."

"I'm really enjoying the discussions.  I am very surprised how many new members are enrolled in the course.  I think this is great, and I wish it had been on my radar years ago.  I will recommend it to all our members."

 "Thank you for your time in developing this course.  It was most helpful in putting more on the 'parts of the AUX puzzle' together not only in terms of leadership, but the overall structure and working of the AUX." 

"I learned a great deal through interacting with the other student during the discussions."

"Thank you for offering this wonderful and very informative course.  I appreciated the method of delivery, the sectioning of topics, and the presentation of related resources.  The pace was just right for working individuals and required effort was manageable and doable."   

"This week's video was excellent.  I enjoyed the discussion. Resources are always welcome.  I think the course did an excellent job covering this level of leadership."  

"kudos from one of your students! Bravo Zulu!"

"I thought the whole on-line course was laid efficiently.  The videos were not too long and pretty concise but I really enjoyed the TED talks.  Each talk had a great presenter and the content was very applicable to the USCGAUX.  The discussion forums made you think about your relationship with the Auxiliary and how you could benefit yourself to make you a better leader.  I enjoyed reading the replies and critiques as well."

"I have to say that you guys have this course well designed and executed and it was definitely worth my time to take it.  I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did."

"I very much like the format of the online course."

"I enjoyed the online course.  The module video are done very well and I enjoyed the presentation of the material.  I would recommend this course for all new members to take within their first 90 days of joining the Aux.  Thank you for taking the time to put together this training and offering it online."