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                                               QUESTIONS ANSWERED

Are there prerequisites for taking this course? 
Generally not, but Auxiliary members enrolling in the AFLC should be seeking, or presently hold, a flotilla elected office. However, flotilla members who are not current office holders, but have an interest in holding a future flotilla leadership position, are encouraged to complete this course. It is expected that most who complete this course will be serving in responsibilities ranging from Flotilla Commander to holding another elected or appointed flotilla office, or providing direct administration of committees, working groups, or teams. 

Are there materials I should read prior to taking the AFLC? 
Anyone planning to take the AFLC should read and be familiar with the material in the Auxiliary Flotilla Procedures Guide (APG).  That document is available as a downloadable document on the Auxiliary Leadership Development Program (ALDP) website or in print form from the Auxiliary's FedEx printing site. Trainees who enroll in a AFLC course will receive an electronic copy of the Auxiliary Flotilla Procedures Guide to read prior to the start of the course.  

What will I learn by taking this course? 
The AFLC is intended to provide and enhance knowledge, skills and practices needed to become a successful flotilla leader.  The course is organized in seven units that provide instruction on different aspects of leading and administering a flotilla.  These units provide comprehensive information on the purpose and structure of a flotilla, the duties and responsibilities of flotilla elected and staff officers, components of effective flotilla administration, planning and establishing goals, team-building, member development, and essential leadership competencies. 

How long does the course last?  
The duration of the course depends upon whether it is taken on-ground (face-to-face) on-online (virtual).  The on-ground course is offered in a single eight hour session, while the on-line course is offered over a four week period with classes lasting approximately two hours each.  The on-line course also provides a unique chat room where students may ask questions and provide comments about the material in each lesson. 

Must I take a test to receive credit for taking the course?
Yes.  Trainees must successfully pass a 50-question multiple-choice test with a score of 80% or better to receive credit for taking the AFLC. The test is available on-line from the Auxiliary National Testing Center.   

Does this course provide AUXOP credit? 
Completion of the AFLC awards one credit toward the seven credits required for achieving AUXOP membership status. Course completion also satisfies the requirement to complete one of the designated "leadership" courses to become AUXOP.   AFLC is also the anchor course for Level 1 Leadership Competency Certification.

What if I have more questions about the course?

If you still have questions after reading the material on the ALFC site, contact AFLC Branch Chief (BC-TLF) Sean E. Hunt at [email protected].