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Mission: To provide elected flotilla leaders, and members aspiring to be elected or appointed flotilla leaders, with a clear understanding of the knowledge, skills, practices and performance needed to be a successful flotilla leader.

Scope: The AFLC is intended to introduce the prospective flotilla leader (FC or VFC) to the duties, responsibilities, resources, skills, and procedures for successful flotilla leadership. Successful completion of the course, together with other requirements listed in the Auxiliary Manual, qualifies the member for flotilla elected office.

Format: The AFLC is formatted for on-ground (face-to-face) presentation at flotillas and divisions by qualified Auxiliary instructors. The course is also available through on-line instruction over four weekly two-hour sessions. .  Course materials include the Flotilla Procedures Guide and handouts associated with the material in each module. The time required for completing the course is approximately eight hours.

From a supervisory perspective,

EXPLAIN the course agenda, ground rules, parking lot, and materials that will meet specific expectations and requirements for enabling the student to successfully complete the course.
ENSURE required equipment is available and working,
INTRODUCE the course and the Instructor(s) to the students.
REVIEW the ground rules for participation.
REQUEST that students complete the name tent and follow the rules on the reverse side.
REVIEW course agenda, handout materials, and limitation on extended discussions so the course may be completed within allotted time.

Leading Self, (Accountability and Responsibility, Personal Conduct, Self-Awareness and Learning)
Leading Others (Team Building)

Unit 1 - Flotilla Organization
From a supervisory perspective,

EXPLAIN the purpose, structure, programs, activities of a flotilla and DESCRIBE the duties and responsibilities of the flotilla elected and staff officers in accordance with references.
EXPLAIN the mission of the Auxiliary and the flotilla.
EXPLAIN the purpose and focus of the flotilla and the primary groups it serves.
DESCRIBE why the Flotilla Commander is the most important officer in the Auxiliary.
OUTLINE the functional structure and organization of the Auxiliary.
DESCRIBE the flotilla’s major program groupings and services.
IDENTIFY the flotilla leadership group and discuss the impact that leadership practices have on a flotilla’s performance.
DEFINE the term “leadership” as it relates to the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
DESCRIBE the duties and responsibilities of the Flotilla Commander.
REVIEW the requirements for election as Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander.
DEFINE assignment to duty.
REVIEW the value of communication to maintaining morale, resolving problems and communicating about priorities.

Leading Self (Accountability and Responsibility, Personal Conduct, Self-Awareness and Learning)

Unit 2 - Flotilla Administration -1
From a supervisory perspective,

EXPLAIN components of effective administration and DESCRIBE their interactions, in accordance with references
LIST the duties of the flotilla commander.
DESCRIBE the effect of flotilla commander performance on member performance, satisfaction, and well-being.
EXPLAIN the obligations of the flotilla commander.
DISCUSS the concept of holding a position in trust for others.
EXPLAIN actions critical to achieving a successful leadership transaction.
EXPLAIN required reports and activities.
REVIEW the importance of knowing the flotilla’s Standing Rules and Addendum.
DISCUSS additional skills, knowledge, and competencies beyond the scope of the AFLC, yet important to success as a Flotilla Commander.
EMPHASIZE the value of member recognition and the types of awards.
REVIEW actions to be taken before leaving office.
LIST courses, references, and resources available to improve leadership effectiveness and accelerate personal professional growth.

Leading self (Accountability and Responsibility, Personal Conduct, Self-Awareness and Learning
Leading Others (Team Building)

Unit 3 - Flotilla Administration-2
From a supervisory perspective,

DEMONSTRATE effective leadership in establishing the flotilla’s goals, and in developing an effective plan to accomplish them in accordance with references.
EMPHASIZE the importance of planning in a flotilla’s success.
EXPLAIN the planning process and the importance of collaboration.
DESCRIBE how flotillas determine their vision, establish goals and set objectives.
REVIEW steps for developing a flotilla plan and annual flotilla calendar.
DESCRIBE the budgeting process and how it influences achievement of flotilla goals.
STATE the reasons for setting written goals.
DISCUSS short, intermediate, and long-term planning horizons.
DESCRIBE how staff and committees help in determining flotilla goals.
EMPHASIZE the importance of communicating progress against goals to the flotilla’s membership.
EXPLAIN the need to include religious and secular holidays, higher-level Auxiliary events, and local conditions in flotilla planning, and describe the consequences of omitting such events in flotilla plans.
CONDUCT a classroom exercise of planning a flotilla’s calendar, budget and goals.

Leading Self (Aligning values/fellowship), (Accountability and Responsibility), Leading Others (Team Building)

Unit 4 - Flotilla Meetings
As assigned instructor

EXPLAIN how effective leaders use flotilla meetings to build teamwork and achieve goals, in accordance with references.
IDENTIFY what will be learned in this module.
STATE why good meetings go bad.
EXPLAIN the elements of planning effective flotilla meetings.
DISCUSS the value of a meeting check list.
DEFINE the meeting’s purpose.
DISCUSS the steps in developing a meeting agenda.
DEFINE the acronym POSTAD TV and its use in meeting planning.
DISCUSS tools for conducting effective meetings.
EXPLAIN the importance of flag etiquette and the introduction of guests at meetings.
REVIEW the practice of saluting, and the following of protocol onboard Coast Guard stations and vessels.
LIST additional references and resources for enhancing knowledge of ways to achieve effective meetings.

Leading Self (Aligning Values), Leading Others (Influencing Others), Leading Performance and Change (Decision Making and Problem Solving), Leading the Auxiliary

Unit 5 - Member Development
As assigned instructor,

DEMONSTRATE how a flotilla leaders use appropriate means to ensure each member’s needs and expectations are understood, and their potential is fully realized, in accordance with references.
IDENTIFY what will be learned from this module.
EXPLAIN the steps for assimilating the new member into the flotilla.
DESCRIBE the content and development of an Individual Development Plan for each new flotilla member.
DISCUSS the characteristics and requirements of effective mentoring and coaching programs.
EXPLAIN how diversity and inclusion affects understanding, teamwork and motivation in the flotilla.
IDENTIFY generational differences that affect member needs and expectations.
DESCRIBE the importance of succession planning.
REVIEW the value of a flotilla retention program.
ESTABLISH an effective member development program to ensure trained successors are available for each elected and appointed position
EXPLAIN the benefits and privileges that come with retirement following 15 or more years of Auxiliary service.

Leading Others (Respect for Others and Diversity Management, Taking Care of People, Mentoring
Leading the Auxiliary (Stewardship, Strategic Thinking))

Unit 6 - Leadership
As assigned instructor

DISCUSS the relationship of ethical dilemmas and competencies required for successful leadership in accordance with references.
IDENTIFY what will be learned from this module.
IDENTIFY leadership in the Coast Guard.
EXPLAIN leadership competencies in team Coast Guard.
REVIEW the four categories of leadership competencies.
DISCUSS attributes of effective flotilla leadership.
DESCRIBE fundamentals of power, stewardship and servant leadership.
DEFINE the six qualities of effective leadership.
EXPLAIN the value of a personal leadership strategy.
REMIND all of the importance of succession planning.
LIST resources, courses and references that may be helpful in further developing leadership skills and practices.

Leading Self (Aligning Values, Personal Conduct), Leading Performance and Change, (Decision making and problem solving), (Self-awareness and problem solving)

Unit 7 - Resources
As assigned instructor,

DEMONSTRATE the use of on-line and other sources of important information providing policies and procedures applicable to the flotilla, its goals, mission activities, and members.
DESCRIBE electronic sources for obtaining important manuals, instructions and documents needed to be an effective Flotilla Commander. EXPLAIN valuable information in AUXDATA II available to Flotilla Commanders.
DEMONSTRATE the use of on-line dashboards for obtaining information on flotilla performance in key missions and activities.
REVIEW the use of Help Desks in resolving flotilla problems.
DISCUSS beneficial resources and information available through National and district Auxiliary websites.
EXPLAIN the role of the Auxiliary Association and its available resources.
SHOW how to use the FedEx printing website for low-cost printing of manuals, documents and training materials.

Leading Self, (Leading others, Influencing Others)

From a supervisory perspective,

ADMINSTER the end-of-course survey and final examination, DISTRIBUTE certificate of completion, and thank all for taking an important step in their development as a flotilla leader.
ADMINISTER the end of course survey.
EXPLAIN how students will receive credit for completing the Auxiliary Flotilla Leadership Course (AFLC),
DISCRIBE the format, content and source of the final examination’s questions.
ENCOURAGE students to continue their leadership development by enrolling in other Auxiliary leadership courses.
PICK-UP remaining materials and trash so the room is left in a clean condition.
THANK everyone for taking this important set in their development as a flotilla leader.

Leading Others (Team Building), Leading Performance and Change (Vision Development and Implementation), Leading the Auxiliary (Stewardship, Strategic Thinking)