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USCG AUX Eighth District,
Eastern Region Legal Department
District Legal Officer (DLO):
Jeff Getty, Esq.
Assistant District Legal Officers (ADLO):
Keith D. Blosser, Esq.
Lew Nicholls, Esq.
Message from your 8ER DLO, Jeff Getty
Welcome to the web page of the District Legal Officer, Eighth District - Eastern Region, and his team members. The purpose and function of this website is to provide Auxiliary members with good information and easy to download and use documents that you can use to better facilitate your unit process and goals. Material on this site will be updated as needed. Most of the material found here can be located at other sources or AUX sites.
It is my Team's intention to gather into this one place, material with easy-to-understand instructions, important to the administration of your Flotilla, Division and District. The District legal team is prepared to assist each level of the Eighth District, Eastern Region to solve problems, help commanders achieve their goals and from time to time, resolve matters before they might become major issues.
The mission of the DLO and the District legal team is to provide legal assistance on Auxiliary related matters to the members of the District Board and Senior Staff. In addition, the DLO must review and approve as to legal form all agreements, licenses, contracts, Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) and Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) entered into by any level of the District before an agreement of any kind is signed by the authorized elected officer.
The DLO must also review all proposed changes to the standardized standing rules of every unit in the District, including any appendixes. The DLO also provides assistance to the elected leaders with respect to the conduct of disciplinary investigations, works periodically with CG JAG officers and CGIS and acts as an advisor in respect to the determination made by the elected leaders and the DIRAUX regarding measures of discipline, if any.
The District Legal Team is comprised of attorneys with diverse legal backgrounds and are all actively practicing attorneys, some with even judicial backgrounds. Each of the attorneys on the Team is a licensed member of the Bar of one of the States which comprise the Eighth District, Eastern Region.
The Legal Department pages are for informational purposes only and are NOT an attempt to provide legal advice. Legal advice can only be provided on the basis of a specific case. All questions of a legal nature should be directed to the DLO or an ADLO whose names appear above.
Legal Dept. Forms
- Non-Reimbursable Order Form
- Certification of Election
- Lodging Contract Addendum
- Assignment of Copyrights Form
Standing Rules
- 8ER Standing Rules (PDF File, 10+Meg)
- Standardized Flotilla Standing Rules
Standardized Flotilla Drafting Notes
Standardized Flotilla Standing Rules
Election Guidelines for Flotillas
- Standardized Division Standing Rules
Standardized Division Drafting Notes
Standardized Division Standing Rules
Election Guidelines for Divisions
Disciplinary Procedure Explanation
- Disciplinary Procedure
- Informal Discipline Process Flow (Note: Document not available DSO-CS/12/10/23)
- Formal Discipline Process Flow Note: Document not available DSO-CS/12/10/23)
Counseling Memorandum
- Member Complaint Form
Disciplinary Forms
Assignment to Duty and Property Claims