Mission Statement
Mission Statement
The Auxiliary Upper Level Officer Course (AULOC) is designed to provide the leadership skills and knowledge to support the newly elected District Captains (DCAPT, newly appointed National Deputy Director (DIRd)and District Staff Officers (DSO's) transition to leadership and away from management, and to execute the duties of District Captain, National Deputy Director or District Staff Officer.
Vision Statement
Students should be able to use this knowledge to transition into the newly elected leadership role of District Captain to assist their Division Commanders to be successful coordinating Auxiliary Flotilla future missions. National Deputy Directors will develop leadership skills to support the National Director and assist the Directorate staff with successful mission/program support. The objective is to develop skills based on the 28 Coast Guard leadership competencies.
Attendance & Participation Requirements
Students are expected to complete all 48 hours which includes the 6 hours of pre-course assignments and the 25.5 hours of post classroom work as a requirement of course completion and in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Once enrolled in AULOC, students are required to attend the full instructional session of the course and actively participate in activities and discussions during course presentations.