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Course Schedule

Web-conferencing (ZOOM) and MOODLE AULOC courses are being conducted at this time. To find more about  the next course cohort contact Mark Wilson the course POC. No STTR is required for ZOOM or MOODLE course.

On-ground course at NTRAIN, St Louis  March 26-28,  travel March 25, 29 Funded quotas require the member to live outside a 50 mile radius from the training venue. DSO-MTs please make sure the member does indeed live outside the 50 mile radius and that the member meets eligibility requirements before submitting an STTR. The funded quotas require an STTR to be submitted to your DIRAUX through the COL and copy Mark Wilson email Once it is determined that the member meets the eligibility requirements they can be entered into Direct Access. 

Current Schedule

March 26-28 2023    AULOC C-School NTRAIN plus 4 weeks online Zoom

June 2023                 Zoom AULOC Course 8 weeks

August 2023              AULOC C-School NACON plus 4 weeks online Zoom   

October 8, 2023         Zoom AULOC Course 8 weeks


Members must meet the following criteria / qualifications in order to attend:

Priority 1 - Current elected District Captain (DCAPT) and current appointed National Deputy Directors (DIRd) that have not attended AULOC / DCAPT / AMLOC-B before.

While not required, it is recommended that priority 1 & 2 members requesting  a quota should have completed AUXLAMS & AMLOC and have Level 3 Leadership Competency Certification

Priority 2 - Current District Staff Officers (DSO), current Assistant National Commodores (ANACO), and current District Chief of Staff (DCOS )  that have not attended AULOC / DCAPT /  AMLOC-B before.

Priority 3 - Current Division Commanders (DCDR) may take the course as non-funded (must have non-funded DIRAUX orders for liability reasons) with AMLOC and AUXLAMS Certificate of Completion and Level 3 Leadership Competency Certification. Non-funded Division Commanders (DCDR) will be able to attend as long as seats are available.

Any questions about this course should be directed to the POC.