2019-2022 Mission/Vision Statement
DCO Brock D. Stephens
"Saving Lives Through Auxiliary Missions"
The mission of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, as well as 8th Western Rivers Region, is the promotion of Recreational Boating Safety and supporting the Goals and Missions of the United States Coast Guard. This mission has, as a focus, the safety and security of the boating public and the citizens of the United States. To provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance the safety and security of our ports and waterways. To provide support for Coast Guard operational, administrative and logistical requirements to help meet mission readiness.
"Saving Lives Through Auxiliary Missions"
The mission of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, as well as 8th Western Rivers Region, is the promotion of Recreational Boating Safety and supporting the Goals and Missions of the United States Coast Guard. This mission has, as a focus, the safety and security of the boating public and the citizens of the United States. To provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance the safety and security of our ports and waterways. To provide support for Coast Guard operational, administrative and logistical requirements to help meet mission readiness.
"Prepare Auxiliary Members to be Volunteer Leaders in Service to the Coast Guard, the Nation and the World."
8th Western Rivers Region as a part of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary stands ready with education, public service, and an overall enthusiasm to safeguard and serve the citizens of the United States and the Nation's maritime domain. Our members stand Semper Paratus using our cornerstones of member services, recreational boating safety, operations and marine safety and fellowship, to accomplish the missions we are tasked with a leader in volunteer service to our nation.