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Welcome to the District 8WR Web Site

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Comodore Bob Arisman

Robert Arisman, District Commodore



The US Coast Guard Auxiliary was established by Congress in 1939 and is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. It was originally tasked with assisting the recreational boating public to become better, safer boaters with the intent of reducing boating fatalities and accidents. Our mission has greatly expanded since then.

The 8th Western Rivers (8WR) region consists of:

  • over 750 volunteers organized into
  • 45 flotillas which are included in
  • 11 divisions across the region.

8WR includes all or part of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Wyoming, Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Tennessee and Wisconsin. It is the largest geographic region in the Coast Guard Auxiliary.


In 2024, 8WR members contributed over 81,388 hours in a wide array of missions including recreational boating safety and marine environment protection missions ranging from public education, vessel safety checks, public affairs, communications, safety patrols by boat and air along with many other mission areas where our members serve side by side with their active duty counterparts.


Auxiliary membership is open to any citizen 17 years of age or older who qualifies and background checks are required. The amount of time volunteered is up to each individual member. Training in all mission areas is free and although boat ownership is not a prerequisite for Auxiliary membership, novice boat owners can develop good boating and seamanship skills as a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.


If you would like to join us in our efforts to support Homeland Security and the United States Coast Guard to promote boating safety, or wish to take advantage of the many services we offer, please feel free to contact us.



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