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Illegal Charter

Don't Be A Victim of an Illegal Charter



 Whether you are on a lake in North Alabama, navigating a river in Mississippi, or visiting Florida's Emerald Coast, travelers must practice caution using websites, apps, and social media markets to charter and rent boats. Searching for a deal may lead to inadvertent illegal conduct and/or a hazardous boating situation.

A large number of boats advertised via online apps and social media markets fail to meet federal regulations promulgated under the Passenger Vessel Safety Act. Further, the operators of these illegal platforms often do not hold a Coast Guard issued Merchant Mariner Credential, nor are enrolled in a drug testing program.  As a result of these illegal operations, innocent passengers are unknowingly put at risk of legal action, injury, and even death.

Having a USCG credentialed operator and a vessel that meets regulation standards greatly enhances the safety of you and your family and could make the difference between having a fun-filled day on the water or a day that could end in tragedy.

Knowing what to ask and what to look for is the key to booking a legal and safety conscious charter trip. Please take a minute to view the following video to learn how you can spot an illegal charter operation and enhance the safety of the American public.



Illegal Charter Task Force is ready for the summer (Video)



Is the Charter You're Renting Legal?

What is Considered Uninspected Passenger Vessel?

What is Considered a Recreational Vessel?

What Is Considered Inspected Passenger Vessel?

  Click Here To Take The Survey


Take this simple survey and find out the Answers to these questions.



Download these pamphlets to take along and help you discern an Illegal Charter



  Click on the Brochure to Download

You can also pick these pamphlets up at local Marine Dealers and Outlets


Reporting Illegal Charters

If you feel you have been a victim of an Illegal Charter or if you would like to report information on an illegal charter. You can report it directly by calling, email or by online reporting.

All Reports for Northwest Florida, Alabama and Mississippi should be made to:

U.S. Coast Guard Sector Mobile Alabama

1500 15th street Mobile AL, 36615

(281) 441-5971

 [email protected]