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Online Training & Testing

Auxiliarist may take the on-line courses and tests. For credit purposes, all Districts have been authorized by the CHDIRAUX to participate in the on-line testing program and will receive credit towards qualification, re-qualification or certification. The District Director(s) of Auxiliary and District Commodore(s) of all Districts have approve participation in this program. The on-line courses and tests are excellent practice and learning materials for all Auxiliarists.

Because things change on this website often, it is suggest that you check the National Training Website for instructions and what is required for taking online courses and exams.

Here are some of the available topics on the National Training Website:


Online courses are provided for the development of Coast Guard Auxiliary members. Many of them are prerequisites for certain levels of qualification in different programs.


[Advanced Level Training Specialty Courses] - PowerPoint AUXOP Training Materials, Coastal Navigation (AUXACN), Communications (AUXCOM), Navigation (AUXNAV), Patrols (AUXPAT), Seamanship (AUXSEA), Weather (AUXWEA)


A one-stop portal for all USCG Auxiliary members looking for information about Auxiliary C-School programs.

Leadership Development

Includes Administrative Procedures Course (APC), Information for the Newly Elected Officer, Leadership Development Framework, FEMA EMI Professional Development Series, Leadership & Management School (LAMS)

Flotilla Leadership

The Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC) hosted by the Blackboard e-Education platform at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). This course provides Flotilla Commanders (FC) and Vice Flotilla Commanders (VFC) an organizational framework and resources to successfully manage their Flotillas. Completion of this course qualifies members to run for the positions of FC and VFC.

Course can be found by using the menu on the left side of the National Training Website. Courses can be accessed through the Online Classroom.

Please note that for any test taken on line, test scores for them can be found in your info at AuxDirectory/AUXOFFICER.