Welcome to the Auxiliary Leadership Development Program Web Site

The Auxiliary Leadership Development Program (ALDP) facilitates leadership development beginning at the flotilla level. The ALDP emphasizes the interaction off all three components of the Coast Guard Leadership Development framework: (1) 28 CG Leadership Competencies, (2) levels of responsibility and expertise, and (3) methods for gaining and demonstrating competency. The ALDP provides methods for current and future leaders to gain and demonstrate competency inside and outside of the walls of a classroom. While administering the flotilla level program, Flotilla Commanders will encourage and foster leadership by promoting a culture receptive to implementing proven leadership principles and practices.
In contrast to traditional techniques for leadership development, the Coast Guard Auxiliary designed the ALDP to meet the need for a more flexible approach. While leadership development starts at the flotilla level with the Flotilla Commander and the flotilla leadership team it continues at the Division level all the way through the District leadership. In fact, if a members’ Auxiliary career extends beyond the District Commodore level leadership development continues on a broader scale.
The ALDP is a leader driven program; therefore it is imperative that elected and appointed Auxiliary leaders make it a priority. The success of the program depends on the active participation of all Auxiliary leaders. The ALDP should be able to capture a meaningful picture of the Auxiliary leadership environment and provide the tools to actively improve that environment.