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Flotilla 20-4 Calendar

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Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Season Begins June 1 and Ends November 30.  Update your emergency plans and kits. North Carolina residents and visitors may start to make your preparations to plan, prepare and stay informed at  Boaters may find some helpful guidance information at:  BoatU.S. Hurricane Preparation For Boaters.  The following is a link to a helpful guide for boaters:  BoatU.S. Preparing Boats & Marina's For Hurricanes.

February Flotilla Meeting

February 6, 2025 - Monthly Flotilla Meeting. Business meeting start time is 1900. Please click on About Flotilla 20-04 in the menu on the left side of this page for our flotilla contact information and more details.

National Safe Boating Week 2025

May 17 - 23, 2025 - National Safe Boating Week. Global awareness encouraging boaters to boat safely and responsibly.  Although the 2025 National Safe Boating Campaign begins on May 17, 2025, it is a year round commitment, focused on responsible boating throughout the world. Many thousands of people would be alive today, if they had simply worn a life jacket. Wear It. The National Safe Boating Week serves as an important reminder before Memorial Day each year, for people to Boat Smart and Boat Safely. Tips for boaters from the National Safe Boating Council can be found at this link: Safe Boating Campaign Boating Safety Tips and more on Life Jackets can be found at: Safe Boating Campaign Life Jackets.

Operation Dry Water

July 2025 - Operation Dry Water (ODW) This is a National year-round campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of boating under the influence.  Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in recreational boater deaths.  The focus of ODW is on reducing the number of alcohol and drug related accidents and fatalities, fostering a stronger, more visible deterrent to alcohol and drug use on the water, with heightened enforcement throughout the Independence Day holiday week. Click on the following link for some important boating safety tips from the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators: Boating Safety Tips from NASBLA.

World Drowning Prevention Day

July 25, 2025 - World Drowning Prevention Day Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths. On this day each year, the World Health Organization is raising awareness of the importance of drowning prevention and the need for urgent coordinated multi-sectoral action to improve water safety in efforts to reduce preventable deaths. "Anyone Can Drown, No One Should." More information from the United Nations can be found here: World Drowning Prevention Day.