Welcome to the Flotilla 20-4, District 5SR Web Site
We Are U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla
054-20-04 in New Bern, NC!
Proud Traditions - Worthy Missions
The U.S Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX) is the uniformed citizen volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. All of our missions are operated as directed by the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard or the Secretary of Homeland Security. Auxiliarists provide crucial non-law enforcement and non-military support to the U.S. Coast Guard land, sea and air missions. There are four general task areas served by the Coast Guard Auxiliary: Recreational Boating Safety, Operations, Marine Safety and Mission Support. The CGAUX has units in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.
What does our Flotilla do? Our Flotilla serves the New Bern and Oriental, NC area Recreational Boating Safety needs. We focus on promoting and improving Recreational Boating Safety through Public Education, Vessel Safety Inspections, providing Trained Coxswains, Crews and Facilities to augment the Coast Guard on our local waterways, Emergency Response and Assistance, and Supporting the U.S. Coast Guard Mission, Operational, Marine Safety, Administrative and Logistical Requirements.

Would you like to take a class? Listed below, are 3 of the courses offered by our Coast Guard Auxiliary Certified Instructors, which are provided in various locations throughout our community. To learn more and to sign up for a class near you click on Boating Courses in the menu to the left.
Local Waters - Valuable information every boater on the Trent and Lower Neuse Rivers needs to know. This class covers many important topics that will inform you about our local waters and beyond. Some of those topics are: local hazards to navigation, locations of marinas, local navigation conditions, and where to get fuel.
Suddenly In Command - This is a boating safety class designed for those whom are not generally at the helm of a boat. This class will offer you the knowledge and confidence to help you be prepared with the basics in the event of an emergency, when you may unexpectedly become Suddenly In Command of the boat and situation.
Schedule your free Vessel Safety Check today! Click on Vessel Safety Checks in the menu to the left for more information and to schedule a check. We'll make sure your boat meets both federal and state legal minimum requirements for safety. No citations are ever issued and the inspection results are confidential. When your vessel has passed inspection, you will be awarded a decal to display on your boat. This decal shows law enforcement your commitment to safe boating and that you are in full compliance with all Federal and State boating laws.

Stop by, meet us at our booth during local festivals and events, where you will find an abundance of boating safety information, there are games for children, you can sign up to take our Classes, sign up for a free Vessel Safety Inspection and sign up to Become A Member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Are you interested in volunteering as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary? Put your life skills, talents and abilities to service in this unique opportunity to make a real difference in your local community and throughout the U.S. If you are 17 years old or older and are a U.S. Citizen, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers numerous opportunities for you to volunteer with us. You will make new friends in fellowship and fun, build upon and enhance your existing skills and learn new skills, with training that is virtually identical to that of active duty Coast Guard. As a member of the Auxiliary there are no fees for any of the courses available through the Auxiliary and the U.S. Coast Guard. Through Recreational Boating Safety instruction, Vessel Safety Inspections, on the water Maritime Operations, Marine Safety Missions, U.S. Coast Guard Mission Support and more, your contributions will help save lives. It's the best unpaid job there is!
Click on "Be A USCGAUX Member" and "About Flotilla 20-4" tabs in the menu to the left on this page for our contacts and additional information. Then, call us today! You're invited and welcome to attend a monthly Flotilla Meeting to learn more. Watch this video depicting various activities which you too could do when you become a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary: Auxiliary Members In Action.

We Train and Practice, Practice, Practice to remain
Semper Paratus, Always Ready,
with Honor, Respect and Devotion To Duty