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Welcome to the Flotilla 11-8, District 1NR Web Site

Station Cape Cod Canal

Photo Credit: USCG Aux.

Welcome to Flotilla 11-08 - Cape Cod Canal

Flotilla Commander's Welcome

On behalf of Vice Flotilla Commander Thomas Trefny, and the men and woman of Cape Cod Canal Flotilla, I welcome you. Originally chartered as the Oyster Harbors Flotilla in January 1970, our flotilla has grown from it's humble roots. Our members answer the call for service everyday to provide direct support to the US Coast Guard at STA Cape Cod Canal and other area units. Our members also commit time and expertise to help promote safe boating for our friends and neighbors in the Upper Cape community through boating classes, safety inspections, and many other activities. I'm proud of those who serve the community with me. Do you have what it takes to be Semper Paratus?

Patrick Logan
Flotilla Commander

The Auxiliary's Mission
To minimize the loss of life, personal injury, property damage, and environmental impact associated with the use of recreational boats, through preventive means, in order to maximize safe use and enjoyment of U.S. Waterways by the public.

Flotilla 11-08 is one of six active flotillas in Cape & Islands Division 11, part of First District Northern Region. Our Flotilla meets in Sandwich, MA at USCG Station Cape Cod Canal on the third Monday of each month at 1900. Refer to the map for precise directions.