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How to Join the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla Chatham



Specialized Training  •  Boating Safety Education

Community Service  •  Fun & Fellowship

Flotilla Chatham serves a very unique community in Cape Cod. The rich Coast Guard history in Chatham, Ma brings visitors from around the world every summer. We work closely with USCG Station Chatham personnel to ensure our community and summer visitors are educated in boating safety before going on the water and provide patrol assistance to ensure we remain safe while on the water. We may be biased, but we feel we serve one of the greatest communities on Cape Cod.   

We play vital roles. Flotilla Chatham plays a vital role in Boating Safety Education to include first hand knowledge of the beautiful shorelines and waters we are surrounded by. We are very proactive in the educational aspect, as well as on the waters of Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound and our surrounding communities to ensure the safety and well being of our boating community on Cape Cod. 

Flotilla Chatham has a special camaraderie! You will find a special camaraderie among Auxiliarists that is hard to beat. Along with our missions, we find time to relax and have fun at outings, training sessions, patrols, classes and conferences. Auxiliarists make long lasting, meaningful friendships! 

We offer Specialized Training. You will be surprised of the many areas of specialized training the USCG Auxiliary offers. To name a few: Aviation, CG Support, Marine Safety & Environmental Protection, Navigation Systems, Public Affairs, Recreational Boating Safety, Recruiting, Operations, Instructors, Telecommunications, Cooking, and Finance. There truly is more and you can grow your Auxiliary career in whichever direction you wish. 
2018 Flotilla Portrait

        Flotilla 11-01, Chatham, MA                             
        Photo Credit: Kathlene A. Sage

Are you interested? Friends, neighbors and interested members of the public are always welcome to attend one of our flotilla meetings. Join us anytime or reach out to our Human Resources Staff Officer (FSO-HR) Duncan Rushworth and let us know when you'd like to join us. We look forward to meeting you.

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Duncan Robert Rushworth
[email protected]
C: (774) 212-0030