IF FOUND Stickers
Chief Deputy Dan Keane of the Eastham Fire Department explains the importance of using the IF FOUND stickers on your watercraft. Watch this short but informative video to learn more and ensure we are all working together to keep our family members, friends, communities and first responders safe.
If you have a kayak, canoe, or board of any kind, public safety departments say secure it properly and add an "IF FOUND" sticker.
If you've not taken the time to watch the video, please do. We all hope never put an "IF FOUND" to use, but the security and peace of mind for you, your family and friends can be immeasurable if we do. This can sticker quickly help responders to "loose watercraft" calls, determining that you are safely on shore and avoid an unnecessary rescue effort. The expediency of live saving resources depends on understanding why one's watercraft is somewhere it shouldn't be.
For lack of a sticker, or until you get a sticker, please consider writing your contact information and an emergency contact's information inside your watercraft in large print, with a permanent marker, in a very visible location and place waterproof tape over it.
Number of IF FOUND-CONTACT stickers Chatham Flotilla
has ensured for our boating public in years 2021-22.
Thank you for boating safely!
Need help getting IF Found Stickers?
You can get IF Found stickers from your nearest flotilla. Click on the map below to be redirected to a flotilla finder. Enter your zip code. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the nearest flotilla. You'll be redirected again to their website. Once there, select "About flotilla XX-XX" from the right side navigation. You will find the contact email and phone numbers. |