Are You a Safe Boater?
Would you feel more confident with better boating knowledge and skill?
Our public education classes are designed to do that. Classes aren't just for skippers. They are very useful for anyone who ventures out on the water. Click on the Boating Courses link on the left menu to learn more about courses offered by Flotilla 2-5 instructors.Does your boat have all the required safety equipment?
Is your equipment in working order? The Auxiliary conducts free courtesy vessel safety checks. Click on the Vessel Checks link on the left menu to find out more.FREE "If Found" Stickers
The Coast Guard, through our taxes, spent approximately $50,000 searching for the assumed occupant of this kayak what was found adrift in NW Florida. Most people are unaware that any vessel found adrift and unoccupied MUST BE ASSUMED by the Coast Guard to have left shore with someone aboard. (photo: US Coast Guard)
Every year the Coast Guard expends millions of dollars searching for boaters who aren’t missing but their unmarked paddle craft are. To make everyone’s lives easier, save money and maybe get your kayak or paddle board back if it drifts aways from your dock or is carried away by a storm, put a FREE “If Found“ sticker on your kayak, paddle board or dinghy.
Put Your Name and Contact Info AND the Name and Contact Info of a friend who might know if you’re out paddling and may actually be in the water around your adrift vessel.
If you would like a FREE If Found sticker, please fill out this form.