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MEMBER TRAINING FOR ALL AUXILIARISTS IN ALL DISCIPLINESThe lighthouse represents the Auxilary's commitment to ensuring safe boating

Member Training includes all training provided in and by the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary forAuxiliary members. It spans the following directorates: Response, Prevention, Vessel Examination, Public Education, RBS Outreach, Public Affairs, and Training. It includes AUXOP courses, Certification Courses, Public Education Courses, Mandatory Workshops, and Mandated Training. Training sources include Manuals, Power Points, Personal Qualification Guides (PQS), Exams or password protected on-line websites.
Click on the Lighthouse Icon to learn more.


The Coast Guard Auxiliary performs a wide array of missions ranging from Recreational Boating Safety (vessel examiner, marine dealer visitor) to Response (boat crew, coxswain, air crew, pilot, radio watch stander) to Prevention (Aids to Navigation Verifier, Marine Safety specialist) to Mission Support (Food Service specialist, Chaplain, Coast Guard Recruiter) just to name some. 


The Human Resources Directorate provides a useful overview of the missions and certification opportunities for Auxiliarists. Use the following link to review the “Pathways to Success”. 


The following examples of qualifications are grouped together under the “Directorates” responsible for their management.



The goal of this program is to engage local marine dealerships, businesses and offices as partners in the Auxiliaries’ Recreational Boating Safety Program. The Program Visitor (PV) does this identifying potential partners and visiting them on a regular basis. During these visits the PV provides boating safety information and literature for the partner to make available to their customers. The PV also provides the latest information on boating safety classes and vessel examination locations. Many partners expand their participation by hosting vessel examinations, classes or workshops to educate the boating public. The PV also assists the Program Partner by addressing any questions or issues the partner may have come across or have been asked by their customers.

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO PREREQUISITES

The Program Visitor Manual can be found at: LINK TO VISITORS MANUAL


The vessel safety check program helps to achieve voluntary compliance with federal and state recreational boating safety laws, particularly regarding the carriage of safety equipment. It also raises boaters’ awareness of safety issues through one-on-one contact by vessel examiners.the vessel examiner will be able to educate boaters through direct, face-to-face boating safety information exchanges. With this knowledge, it is hoped that recreational boaters will become more involved in maintaining and operating their boats in a safe manner, taking boating safety courses to increase their knowledge and skills in boating, and promoting safe boating to others

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO PREREQUSITES

Detailed guidance on how to qualify can be found at: LINK TO BECOME A VE


Each area of activity such as Surface Operations, AUXAIR, and Telecommunications all have their own specific requirements for certification and qualification.  They may also have periodic currency maintenance requirements to remain qualified, similar to continuing education credits needed in some professional organizations.The link below will provide information and links to documents that explain how to get qualified in the various programs in the Department of Response for Surface, Air and Communications (fixed Land and Mobile units) operational activities areas.                    LINK TO BECOMING QUALIFIED


To become involved in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation program (AUXAIR), applicants must complete the Auxiliary Air Operations Training Program. This entails a greater level of thoroughness in flight planning, in airmanship, in crew coordination and in all aspects of flight safety. The most important aspect of the AUXAIR program is flight safety. The various rules and regulation necessary to insure safety are spelled out in the manuals and in the Federal Aviation Regulations.

General information on the Auxiliary Aviation program is available LINK TO BE QUALIFIED

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO REQUIREMENTS


A primary goal of the USCG Auxiliary Boat Crew Program is to assist members to become qualified and participate in operational mission. The purpose of the training program is to enable members to learn and perform to the high standards prescribed by the US Coast Guard.Surface Operations staff hold regular training workshops and activities to keep all Coxswain, Boat Crew, and PWO {Personal Water Craft Operators) members current on issues involving program administration, operational skills, procedures and safety.

General information on the Auxiliary Surface program is available at: LINK TO QUALIFICATIONS

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO AUX-SURFACE


To becomeTelecommunications Operators applicants must become certified as Telecommunications Operators (TCO).  TCOs assist in coordinating Auxiliary activities in support of Coast Guard operational communications, augmenting the Coast Guard communications system, communicating urgent matters of official Auxiliary business and assisting national resources in time of disaster ("contingency communications")

General information on the Telecommunications Operator program is available at: LINK TO GENERAL INFO

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO REQUIREMENTS


Aid Verifier responsibilities include verifying the location and characteristics of both Federal (ATONS) and private aids to navigation (PATONs). Auxiliarists may assist and support Coast Guard units in servicing Federal aids after receiving proper Coast Guard training, and may also help the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers in updating nautical charts and publications. Training is available in all four Auxiliary Navigation Systems Programs – ATONs, PATONs, Bridges, and Chart Updating.

General information on the Aids to Navigation program is available at:



 Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO PREREQUISITES


The Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety program is designed to facilitate and encourage Auxiliary support for Coast Guard Sectors in the legacy Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs. The program develops, in conjunction with Coast Guard Headquarters program managers and TRACEN Yorktown, Auxiliary specific qualifications in these programs. The Auxiliary qualifications mirror those of the Active Duty – minus any law enforcement or military activities.

General information on the Marine Safety program is available at: LINK TO MARINE SAFETY 

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO PREREQUISITES


The PA Specialist Program offers a pathway to skills development by blending formal and on-the-job training. Candidates are certified through AUXPA3 [Entry Level], AUXPA2 [Intermediate Level] and AUXPA1 [Senior Level] levels using the Performance Qualification System (PQS).Each candidate completes a series of tasks for print and broadcast media, photography, public appearances, video, static displays, and exhibits.

General information on the Public Affairs program is available at: LINK TO PA PROGRAM

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO PA UPLOADS


The role of the Instructor is to deliver the highest possible quality training, resources and timely materials in support of our flotilla instructors and public education staff officers at every level who are furnishing such boating safety education.A Coast Guard Auxiliary instructor influences many people. The instructor has a significant influence upon students. An instructor also affects attitude, perseverance, confidence and self-worth. Please note that the training materials are in the Members’ Only section of the

General information on the Instructor program is begins on the Public Education site, but access to the Instructor Development Tools requires login to the Members’ Only position of the site.

Prerequisites and Work Requirements can be found at: LINK TO PREREQUISITES