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Welcome to the Flotilla 8-4, District 7 Web Site



Flotilla 84 has been supporting Sarasota for more than 50 years.

The kissing sailor statue that is an icon of Sarasota The Sarasota coastline looking from downtown to Long Boat KeyThis poster from the mid 1900s

                1960s Sarasota Coastline 




The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. US Congress established the unit on June 23, 1939, as the United States Coast Guard Reserve. On February 19, 1941, the organization was re-designated as the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. 

We are comprised of 22,000 members in the US & US territories, who volunteer their time to support the operation of the United States Coast Guard and promote & improve recreational boating safety through:
  • Public Education - teaching courses on boating safety, navigation, and seamanship to recreational boaters and distributing Safe Boating information/materials to the public through our established local business network.
  • Vessel Safety Checks - giving free safety checks to recreational and commercial fishing vessels.
We also interact directly with the United States Coast Guard by:
  • Providing trained crews and facilities to enhance the safety and security of US ports, waterways, and coastal regions.  The Auxiliary directly supports the Coast Guard in all its missions except military and law enforcement actions.
  • Operations and Support - providing the Coast Guard assistance in program areas such as computer operations, radio watch standing, publications, public affairs, and maritime operation missions.
  • Marine Environmental Protection - promoting clean waterways through marine pollution awareness programs that help to recognize, protect, and assess the environment.

Advanced training is also available in: Patrols, Search & Rescue, Navigation, Weather, Seamanship, and Communications. 

Flotilla 84 is the largest flotilla in our division and our immediate goal is to be the best in our district.  We are seeking, the best, the brightest and totally engaged people to join our mission. It is our goal to provide the boating public with the most current information possible towards making our waterways safe and secure.

Semper Paratus (Always Ready)

Justin Kloer, Flotilla Commander

Angie Bibler - Vice Flotilla Commander 


Today we continue our tradition at our new home at 5050 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL, which is just south of Sarasota International Airport and 3.2 miles north of Marina Jack’s and the heart of Sarasota.

Visit us on Facebook at US Coast Guard Aux Flotilla 84 Sarasota, Florida

Sarasota Coastline  New Flotilla 84 home






5050 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL  - (941) 404-8251  [email protected]


If you would like to make a donation, click the image for instructions 




Flotilla 84’s website was designed to provide valuable information about how you can have a safe and rewarding experience in our area. This includes new boaters, seasoned boaters exploring our area, or tourists wanting to experience the Florida coastline. 

A.  Boating Safety -The Auxiliary’s primary role is promoting recreational boating safety. This section helps novice or intermediate boaters acquire or enhance skills required to own and operate boats safely.

B.  Public Education -The Auxiliary offers a series of courses designed for beginners through advanced boaters. It begins with our "Boating Safety" class which allows boaters to earn the required Florida certification. It also includes courses such as weather, navigation, etc.  

C.  Sarasota Waterways –Whether you are new to boating or an experienced boater, you will need information specific to our area. This includes coastline charts, weather, waterfront services (marinas, restaurants, docks, etc), and who to contact in the case of an emergency. 

D.  Emergency Planning –The Coast Guard believes the optimal time to train and prepare is when the seas are calm.  This is especially true for hurricanes. This section provides valuable information to assist with that preparedness.

E.  About the Auxiliary -The Auxiliary has been an integral component of the Coast Guard since 1939. This section shows the many important ways we support our nation, the military, and the people of Sarasota.

F. Training/Certifications - This section describes the vast array of roles and skills the auxiliary members demonstrate in performing their duties.  This includes the training available to acquire and grow these skills. 

G.  Interested in Joining? -The Auxiliary has been quoted as "The best trained, most valued, maritime volunteer organization in the world".  Our ability to perform our mission is dependent on having people who are able and willing to assist us. Is that you?       

This diagram illustrates our website structure


Use the navigation options on the left side of each webpage to move through the website.  You can access the main topics or go directly to the specific sub- topic as defined in red letters. 

The top two options are links to the websites of the division and the district that Flotilla 84 Sarasota is part of.  The third option provides contact information for Flotilla 84.






USCG Auxiliary image certifying this website This website has been certified to be in compliance with USCG Auxiliary Standards