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Auxiliary Training Handbook - Aviation

 A link to the new Auxiliary Training Handbook for Aviation.  Click HERE

Auxiliary Operations Process Guide - Aviation

A link to the Auxiliary Operations Process Guide for Aviation.   Click HERE

AuxAir Application Form

The AuxAir application form that members are required to submit to the squadron can be found HERE.  Remember that this form is to be sent in to the District after you have completed core training, a boating safety class and have been granted BQ status.  

Auxiliary Uniform Standards

A link to a memo outlining the new Auxiliary uniform and appearance policy changes, dated 23 Sep 2023.  Click HERE

Uniform Wear Presentation

For the slide deck for the uniform wear presentation given in Jan 2024 by Scott, click HERE

For a guide to the wear of the garrison cap, click HERE

 The proper knot for the men's tie is the Windsor.   A link to directions on how to tie this knot is HERE 

 For a flight suit wear guide, click HERE

 For a flight gear guide, click HERE 


New Member Training Courses - AUXCT

This memo announcing the new name for the Workforce Resilience training also contains a list of all of the required courses for AUXCT training requirements and has links to training websites.   Click HERE