Welcome to the Flotilla 24-4, District 5SR Web Site

Flotilla 24-04 member on patrol over the Chesapeake Bay.
The Story of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary...
Now under the Dept of Homeland Security, we help protect the maritime economy and the environment, we defend our coastal borders, and we rescue those in peril. This history has forged our character and purpose as we continue to serve with the US Coast Guard, America’s Maritime Guardian.
Our proud motto: Semper Paratus (Always Ready).
...and the Special Role of Aviation Flotilla 24-04
Founded in 1979, US Coast Guard Flotilla 24-04 is unique among the nine flotillas within our division because we are an all-aviation unit, known as “The Flying Flotilla,” one of only a few such scattered throughout the country. Operating out of our headquarters on the field at Montgomery County Airpark, Gaithersburg MD, we fly 10 aircraft, all member-owned, and have a roster nearing fifty, making us one of the largest auxiliaries in the region.
Our mission area covers the upper Chesapeake Bay, from Tangier Island north to the Susquehanna River, plus a stretch of Atlantic coastline between Wallops Island and Delaware Bay. We serve under the direction of the Coast Guard Air Station at Atlantic City NJ, and come under operational control of the Coast Guard’s Sector Baltimore. A varied mission list which includes maritime observation patrols, search and rescue, environmental protection, ice patrol and logistics missions (plus training with active duty air station crews) keeps us busy all year around.
We’re proud of the role we play in aiding the Coast Guard to conduct its Homeland Security mission of protecting our country. If you have experience or an interest in aviation and would like to learn more about Flotilla 24-04 and its Auxiliary Aviation Program, please contact us for more information and membership requirements. We look forward to hearing from you.