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The Secretary/Records Officer is responsible for the recording and retention of the minutes from the Flotilla’s, Divisions, District and EXCOM when it meets in official sessions. S/he maintains a current record of Flotilla and Division SR’s. S/he maintains such other records as may be required to ensure the correctness and continuity of administration. 


The Federal Records Act of 1950 – Requires adequate controls over the creation of records. • Coast Guard Records Management – “Records…must be preserved…to protect the legal and financial rights…of the Coast Guard.” In addition to the legal requirement, it is imperative that Flotilla’s and Divisions file minutes in order for EXCOM to understand activities and events in order to not only have an up to date “sitrep” from the field, but to be able to execute a larger comprehensive plan for the District. The essence and the purpose of the submission of minutes is both legal and establishing communication. 

VISION and GOALS for 2019
  • To develop an accurate and comprehensive list of all SR’s within D5SR.
  • To develop a uniform standard of reporting (USCG 3615 or 7017 form or an alternative form that “mirrors” the aforementioned forms).
  • Document the meeting completely enough to accurately reflect business conducted, making sure to accurately document the motions, reports, and training.
  • To have a basic understanding and "Be knowledgeable of Roberts Rules of Order "– Publishing of Minutes – Inclusion of Motions – Inclusion of Reports – –
  • To clearly indicate Motions – voted and accepted
  • To report minutes in a timely manner as outlined by the USCG AUX in a 2010 presentation as follows: Minutes • Publish (upload) within 10 days of the meeting – • Use the proper naming convention: YYYY_MM_UNITXX YYYY = Four digit year. ex: 2007 MM = Two digit month. ex: 05 UNIT = 4 digit unit number. ex: 1600 XX = MM for Meeting Minutes Example: 2008_01_1600MM

David Dieterich


D5SR Document Routing Guide - April 2020

Meeting Minutes Distribution & Guidelines 2020