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PA Creative Services Banner

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is pleased to offer professional Audio, Graphics, Videos, PowerPoint Presentations, Web Pages, Brochures, Flyers and other services to Auxiliarists. 

Images of PA Photographer, Aux members meeting, PA Aircrew

We all desire to make professional presentations to the General Public and Creative Services is eager to help you. There are three steps to successfully utilize Creative Services: 

  • First, please familiarize yourself on the Public Affairs Guidelines and USCG Heraldry. These will help you understand the Creative Services Request process and what is possible and more importantly, what is not possible.
  • Second, discuss, review and get approvals from your unit members regarding the work you wish to have done prior to requesting work. This will help you to clarify what you need from Creative Services, reducing rounds of work. Also, NOTE: all logos and challenge coins must have unit approvals - the graphics department requests this be in place before creating logos ad challenge coin artwork.
  • Third, select the appropriate request from the list below. You will be directed to the appropriate page to complete your request. 
ATTENTION! Turn around time of each project depend upon your urgency. Our staff receives a high volume of request every week. Please let us know your urgency request time and be patient while our team is creating and designing your image(s).
  • Immediate / Urgent Action 

  • Fast Action NON Urgent Action 

  • Regular NON Immediate Action 



Audio PSA, narrations, voice tracks, or other audio
Collateral Brochures, flyers, envelopes, certificates, etc.
Graphics Collateral and Powerpoint graphics, illustrations, charts, logos, challenge coins, etc.
PowerPoint Instructional, Educational, Training
Video TV Spots, Training, Instructional

Two key components of good design are standardization of colors and design elements. The resources listed below will help you, as a designer, to ensure that your artwork matches the 'look' of existing designs:

USCG Color Chart

This is an official United States Coast Guard Auxiliary website for the public’s information. Our postings do not endorse this site or anything on it, including links to other sites, and we disclaim responsibility and liability for the site and its content.