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USCG AUX Diversity Logo


“Dependability, Integrity, Diversity”

Diversity is about our commitment to embrace men and women of all racial, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds as full, equal, and vital members of our organization.

It is the policy of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary to ensure that all citizens, regardless of race, gender, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religion, or physical or mental disability have an equal opportunity to become a member of this organization. People from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests are welcome and encouraged to join the Auxiliary to work side by side with us as we serve the boating public.

The fundamental action imperative of diversity is to create an environment, which fosters an appreciation of the values, skills, and abilities of each individual member. Members are responsible to each other for promoting an inclusive atmosphere of acceptance and respect, for demonstrating a commitment to fair and equal opportunity, and for moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating our different backgrounds. We are committed to enjoying a diverse and inclusive membership. We all understand that diversity is not a problem to be solved, but that it is an asset to be developed.


1st District Northern Region Diversity Mission Statement

By Assistant District Staff Officer for Diversity, Aaron Aubin


Diversity=Mission Excellence

Diversity has an important role in our organization; in supporting our missions to achieve full mission excellence by supporting our membership through creating a positive environment, valuing all members, promoting individual success, and carrying out diverse outreach activities in the community. By understanding the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Diversity Policy we ensure all citizens, regardless of race, gender, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religion or physical or mental abilities have an equal opportunity to become a member of this organization and achieve mission excellence.

When we value diversity, we are improving our mission excellence by creating a more robust and forward-thinking organization. This allows our membership to experience success as part of a team in a positive environment; inclusive, engaging, respectful, and where his or her talents are appreciated and utilized. By providing full opportunity to all members to achieve and to be successful in a supportive environment, the Coast Guard Auxiliary will become stronger. The results: increased and continued membership in the Auxiliary.

New member prospects can tell when current members are happy and excited about what they do in the Auxiliary, and by seeing a positive environment, the new member prospect is more likely to join the Auxiliary. Through Diversity programs and activities we are strengthening our organization and our relationship with the communities we serve, which again leads to mission excellence. We achieve this mission excellence by educating our members and prospective members; we learn how we can better serve our members and how we can better serve our communities.

Through fellowship activities our members feel valued and build a closer bond with whom they serve. A team with good spirits and high energy, along with the requisite skills and training, can accomplish any mission. In addition, promoting individual successes through mentoring allows members – both new and experienced – a chance to grow and contribute more to mission success. Outreach activities, targeting local community groups, deliver the Auxiliary story to those who might never have heard of the Auxiliary otherwise. Reaching out to local community group members, we increase our audience for both promoting boating safety and for member recruitment.

A strong Diversity Program will increase mission excellence, but a Diversity Program does not run itself. Driving Diversity is a team effort that starts with appointing an FSO-DV and an SO-DV. Appointing these Diversity champions is just the beginning, however. Every member of the Auxiliary must be a knowledgeable and proficient member of the Diversity Team in order to reap the benefits of a diversified Auxiliary.