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The Auxiliary Senior Leadership Course (ASOC) challenges Auxiliary leaders to develop higher-level leadership abilities and skills and a broader understanding of the organizations missions, resources, and strategies. This is the preparatory course for District Chiefs of Staff to advance to the role of District Commodore and National Directors to advance to Assistant National Commodore.

Course Topics


Critical thinking
Leadership Philosophies
Successful leadership practices
Self-awareness through 360° assessment
Emotional intelligence
Writing and public speaking
Crucial Confrontations
Conflict resolution and negotiation

Auxiliary Organizational Awareness

Strategic Planning
Transitional Planning
USCGAUX Association
Coast Guard Investigations
Coast Guard Budget
Coast Guard/Auxiliary Interactions

Innovative Course Features

Blended online / resident training format: ASOC is a 22 month course featuring one 5-Day resident session usually at the Coast Guard Academy, funded by CG funds (AFC-56), four NTRAIN / NACON workshops funded by the Auxiliary Association, and MOODLE assignments throughout the 22 month course. The MOODLE learning serves to provide base knowledge prior to each resident session and to enable application of new learning afterwards.

Self-Assessment: Students complete a number of self-assessments at the beginning of the course and use the feedback to customize their leadership learning experience.

Instructing for skill transfer: Instructors make themselves available for private discussions with any student for clarification of assignments through each session of the course either by direct telephone conferences or email. Instructors challenge and support students as they apply course learning to improve their leadership performance.

Diverse student cohort: Students learn from each other as much as they learn from the instructors. Student's network to discuss assignments and concerns.

Adjunct & guest presenters: In addition to the facilitators, students learn from Auxiliary and Active Duty guest presenters.