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U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Program:

8th District Western Rivers Region Specific Procedures

  • Flotilla or Division Leadership agree to charter a new ship, take over charter from an existing ship, or assist with a ship that is chartered to another organization.
  • BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT) is required to be taken for anyone over 18, an elected leader FC/VFC or DCDR/VCDR, Member Training, Operations, Human Resources and anyone who will have contact with the Sea Scouts. Do not send directly to the DIRAUX. Send to the ADSO-IS Doug Eubanks for entry into AUXDATA II.    
  • Sea Scout Online training is available at the BSA Learning Center, which is part of My.Scouting Tools. Support for this training is provided by the Member Care Service Center. They are available Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 972-580-2489. 
  • All adults, whether Auxiliarists or not, who are planning on being BSA registered members of the new Sea Scout Ship must complete the BSA Adult application form, 524-501.
  • A new Sea Scout Ship must have least five young adults willing to join. The BSA Youth application form, 524-406 must be completed for each new Sea Scout. 
  • New-Unit application form, 524-402 and The Annual Unit Charter Agreement Between: form must also be completed and signed by the Auxiliary unit leader.  
  • Request is sent from Elected Leader/AUXSCOUT Officer to the DSO-AS with the following:
  • BSA Charter (if received)
  • Lists of Ship Roster with first and last names (Adults and Youth)
  • Training Certificates for YPT
  • Anything else DSO-AS request from BSA Council a “YPT Aging Report” which will verify that all registered scouters are certified.
  • DSO-AS will verify that all required USCG Aux officers have taken YPT. They will also verify that anyone over 18 has completed training also.
  • DSO-AS will draft the USCG Auxiliary Charter.
  • DSO-AS will send correspondences to the DIRAUX for approval and CC Leadership.



Charles Zackery


Diane Grant

Divisions 2, 9, 11


Zach Taylor

Divisions 5, 15, 16


Jim Wolfe

Divisions 1, 31, 33


Curt Ware

Divisions 3 and 8


Prospective ships:                            

  • Quapaw Council        W.D. Boyce Council East Peoria IL Jerry Daniels is the Coast Guard Auxiliary Representative

Existing Ships:

  • Sea Scout Ship 0125 has replaced 8511 Sea Scout Ship 0125 Flotilla 1 of Division 1, Eighth District – Western Rivers Region John Matheson, FSO-AS Pikes Peak, CO Skipper Sarah Muro
  • Sea Scout Ship 3303     Flotilla 3 of Division 33, Eighth District – Western Rivers Region  Randal Evans, FSO-AS  Omaha, NE    Skipper Luke Koch
  • Sea Scout Ship 3304     Flotilla 4 of Division 33, Eighth District – Western Rivers Region  Brandon Butters, FSO-AS  Des Moines, IA  Skipper Kurt Hoffmann 


Use of logos:

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary cannot use the Sea Scout Logo or the Boy Scouts of America (Scouts USA) without permission from the Boy Scout Council or Boy Scout Headquarters.


21 Mar 2021 

Dear Youth Programs Team:

I’m pleased to send you the2021 AUXSCOUT Program Customer Service Plan. This document will help guide our work as we build our partnership with the Sea Scouts. The objective is to make both the Sea Scouts and the Coast Guard Auxiliary stronger and more robust through bridge-building and collaboration.

I would like to thank the Youth Programs Steering Team for their help in building this plan. In particular, John-Michael Zimmerle, Youth Programs Program Support Branch Chief, took on the lion’s share of the effort to develop this document.

Please read this plan carefully and pass any questions you have to your Youth Programs Branch Chief.AuxScout District Staff Officers (DSO-ASs):Please share this document with your District Commodore and District Chief of Staff. Youth Programs is here to help you and your district succeed by making AuxScout a key element of your recreational boating safety and recruiting efforts.

Please let us know how we can help you.


Bruce Johnson
Division Chief, Youth Programs (DVC-SY)
[email protected]

AUXSCOUT Program Customer Service Plan