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Latest News and Tips About AuxData II 

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First Responder Training is no longer required.  Members completing Blood Borne Pathogen can send the IS officer a screen shot of the completion screen or a copy of their AuxLMS transcript.   

Have an issue or problem with AuxData II?  Your first line of defense is to fill out the short issue/problem/question form below  Your question or problem will be reviewed and may be answered, send to your Division IS officer or you may be advised to fill our a request form in AuxData II (aka help desk ticket).  

What Internet Browser are you using?  Salesforce/Acuumen has optimized AuxData II for Google Chorme.  If at all possible please access AuxData II using the Chrome Browser.  It will work with Firefox, Edge and Safari but Internet Explorer has caused AuxData II to have issues and should not be used with AuxData II

Time Zone - Be Accurate - Salesforce is located in California so its logical that the time zone in AuxData II defaults to Pacific.  But we live in either the Eastern or the Central Zone.  The time stamp is of critical importance if you are dealing with orders.  Set the time zone to Eastern Time (New York) by going to the Settings screen which is under that little circle to the far right of the screen on the line with "Home - Members, etc."  Go to the time zone field and change it, save the record and you'll be current.

More Comfortable Using 24 Hour Time Format?   -  Linda McCarty's Odds 'n Ends #VII of 20 Oct hasdetailed instruction on how to convert to military time format. She writes "Go into your settings (Click on the little avatar that represents you at the top right of any page in AD2). Navigate to My Settings. On that page, find Locale. Go to the very bottom of the Locale pick list and choose Zulu (South Africa). No, I’m not messing with you. This will not change your time zone, language, odate settings. All it will change is how time appears in your activity logs. Refresh the page and your choice in time for future logs will be military time. All of your past activity logs will also be translated to 24-hour time. Remember to refresh the page or you will think you missed a step."

Quick Notes - COMO Thurlow has created several checks lists for doing the various functions in AuxData II.  Several new "Quick Notes" from Linda McCarty, Division Chief, Information Service Officers Support have been added.

Passwords - Contrary to our initial information you will have to change your password every 3 months, but don't worry AuxData II will remind you to do so.

Mission Code Workshop 2012 
Click here to download a copy of this excellent guide to activity log codes. 

 Page Updated  111 Sep 21

Members - Please complete the following form if you have questions about data entry, reports, or other issues with AuxData II.  This form will go to the IS training staff (ADSO-IS) and the DSO-IS.  Questions might be answered directly referred to an IS staff office or you may be advised to fill our a request from in AuxData II (help desk ticket). You should expect a response within 72 hours.

Note that this form draws your name, unit, and email from your login information  You may overwrite these fields if necessary (e.g. you are completing a form for someone else).   

Please use this form to ask questions about how to use AuxData II, how to enter specific information and other things to be covered in the weekly Koffee Klatch


Member Submitting Request

Preferred contact email
Your Flotilla

What is your question or what are you having trouble with?


Put the date the Auxiliary was formed: 1939 here (anti-SPAM) before you click submit: