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Flotilla 39-6 Staff List

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Elected Officers
  • FC
  • Flotilla Commander
  • Christian Douglas Mc Auliffe
  • VFC
  • Flotilla Vice Commander
  • Jason Christopher Pfeffer
  • IPFC
  • Immediate Past Flotilla Commander
  • Marc Howard Pullman
Flotilla Staff Officers
  • FSO-CM
  • Communications
  • Gregory Edward Kmiec
  • FSO-CS
  • Communication Services
  • Christian Douglas Mc Auliffe
  • FSO-DV
  • Diversity And Inclusion
  • Stuart Harris Galesburg
  • FSO-FN
  • Finance
  • Daniel Walter Oconnell
  • FSO-HR
  • Human Resources
  • John William Lenhard
  • FSO-IS
  • Information Services
  • Robert Porter Bush
  • FSO-MA
  • Materials
  • Francis Nicholas Cavalier
  • FSO-MS
  • Marine Safety & Environmental Protection
  • Jay Robert Katzman
  • FSO-MT
  • Member Training
  • Thomas Michael Remec
  • FSO-NS
  • Navigation Systems
  • Michael Jacob Raith
  • FSO-OP
  • Operations
  • William Noel Luksha
  • FSO-PA
  • Public Affairs
  • Jason Christopher Pfeffer
  • FSO-PB
  • Publications
  • Marc Howard Pullman
  • FSO-PE
  • Public Education
  • Daniel Walter Oconnell
  • FSO-PV
  • Recreational Boating Safety Visitor
  • Anita Marie Lutkus
  • FSO-SR
  • Secretary/Records
  • Anita Marie Lutkus
  • FSO-VE
  • Vessel Examination
  • Marc Howard Pullman