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Welcome to the Flotilla 39-6, District 9WR Web Site




Our Mission:

The Coast Guard Auxiliary is a life-saving organization dedicated to safeguarding the boating public. In addition to supporting the non-military missions of the active-duty Coast Guard, the Auxiliary provides boating safety classes and complimentary safety checks on vessels. Our flotilla is fortunate to have a core of instructors who are highly trained and skilled in the best maritime practices.

Safe Boating Classes    

Flotilla Staff Officer Dan O’Connell (FSO-PE) is available to answer questions about our educational program. Dan may be reached at (847).920.6875 or via email at [email protected].

Upcoming BoatAmerica Courses

Chicago West Marine store (All Boat America course):
See schedule below.

New Trier Extension:
Boat America
See schedule below.

Weather & Boating
See schedule below.

Vessel Safety Checks                                                                                                        

Our staff of vessel examiners provides complimentary safety checks for boaters who dock in the northern suburbs of Chicago and at the major Chicago harbors. To inquire about a free safety check for your boat, please contact Staff Officer Marc Pullman (FSO-VE) at 312.933-1740 or via email at [email protected].   


Auxiliary membership offers great opportunities to interact with and assist the boating public. We offer a variety of activities include serving on a rescue boat, teaching safe practices, and examining recreational boats for safety. Information about membership is available by contacting Staff Officer John Lenhard (FSO-HR) at [email protected].



 Flotilla 39-06’s upcoming PE classes include (as of 7/13/2024):

At the Chicago West Marine store (All Boat America course):

Saturday, July 20

At NTX (New Trier Extension in Northfield):
Boat America:

Monday & Wednesday evenings starting Monday, July 8 and ending Wednesday, July 17
Weather and Boating:

We very much appreciate the support both of our outstanding partners continue to provide to our PE program!



Wilmette Life Newspaper Article