Getting Qualified
Getting qualified as an AUXCA is a process. It will generally take 3-6 months. Much like Coxswain or Boatcrew the process is documented in a PQS Form that lists all of the steps to be completed. If you would like to become qualified as an AUXCA there are three major phases to the process.
First you will obtain the AUXCA PQS Form from the link at the bottom of this page. Then you will complete some preliminary medical and other requirements. The second phase consists of your attending an AUXCA Basic Class anywhere it is offered. The third phase is the completion of skills work in an CG galley. All of these steps are outlined in the flowchart below.
Before you get started you should contact your SO-CA and discuss your interest in the program. Your SO-CA will tell you the best way to proceed in the area you wish to serve and will offer any help that you may require.
The AUXCA program is a great way to support the CG in a very meaningful way. It will put you next to some very fine people where you will learn many new skills. It is a highly rewarding Auxiliary/CG teamwork experience! And it is fun.