Welcome to the Human Resources Web Site
The Mission of the Human Resources Directorate is to provide comprehensive, timely, and accurate personnel information to the members of the Auxiliary via two primary goals. The first goal is to emphasize core values and expected standards to develop highly effective members that adhere to the core values of honor, respect, and devotion to duty. All must stand ready to serve as sworn members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Cultivating leadership skills and succession management within elected and appointed officers is the H Directorates second goal. Succession management is the key to developing exemplary teamwork and leaders. The H Directorate strives to nurture the leadership culture and training continuum to support succession planning throughout the Auxiliary.
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The Human Resources Directorate is one of four directorates within FORCECOM. It is composed of nine divisions and thirty one branches, each of which provides specialty services to the National Staff Directorate, Membership, and Coast Guard.
Lee G. Zimmermann - Director Human Resources Directorate
Steven G. Trojanov - Deputy Director Human Resources
Recruiting & Retention (HR)National Join Us Inquiries (HQ)
Uniforms (HU)
Andrea M. Mazzarini - Deputy Director Coast Guard Support
Auxiliary Culinary Assistance (AUX CA)Auxiliary Health Services (HM)
Coast Guard Recruiting Support (HG)