Electronic collaboration provides internet support for planning and mission coordination. Auxiliary members using internet services will find greater efficiency and productivity. There are useful tools on the internet which can assist the Auxiliary with communication and collaboration to get the job done.
The following internet services are free, although some have upgraded versions which may be purchased.
- Email service:
- Email Distribution lists
- eCollaboration
- Skype — online phone service and group conferences
- — provides screen sharing
- AnyMeeting — Online conferencing with six video feeds and 200 attendees
- Teamviewer — remote access and support
- Survey Monkey — create and keeps records
- Doodle — Easy Scheduling
- Bandwidth Speed Test — Internet connection to upload and download
- Download this PDF handout
Hardware and Software Requirements:
- Computer: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet Device (such as iPad)
- Audio: Phone or Computer Audio (Headset, and possibly a Webcam)
- Software is FREE provided by the web conferencing service
Tools for Electronic Collaboration:
To enhance use of Skype and other online conferencing services, such as WebEx, these devices may be purchased through a CG Auxiliary Association affiliate which gains credit when using this link to Amazon. For quality, it is beneficial to have an USB connection to the devices, such as:
- Logitech USB Headset H530 (981-000195) Hands free with a rotating microphone which can be muted
- Logitech HD Webcam C310
- Test Drives are available on the SECOND MONDAY of each month at 1700 PST, except holidays. When it is time, click here to attend.
National Staff Web Conferencing is a tool for national collaboration, as many districts are also using web conferencing capabilities. Recommended usage includes meetings, project collaboration, and outreach to the districts.
- User documents are available on the Knowledge Base
- Test Drives are available on the first Monday of each month, except for holidays, at 1700 Pacific Time. Additional Test Drives may be requested by National Staff.
- National Staff may request sessions via a Help Desk Ticket.
National Staff Web Conferencing Request Ticket