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Welcome to the Division 2, District 13 Web Site

 Division 2 Logo
Seattle-Elliott Bay

Division 2 is the smallest Division geographically in District 13. We cover most of King County - the greater Seattle/Bellevue metropolitan area. The Division's 100 members provide the boating public with boating safety education, vessel safety checks, and partnerships with the boating community.

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 Take a boating class
Contact me

 2025 Division 2 Bridge


Division Commander, Rick Myers     
 Vice Division Commander, Bill Cotter

Washington Boater Card age chart

Boating Education Classes

Interested in taking a boating education class? Want to meet the requirements of the Washington Boater Education law (required by everyone 59 or younger in 2014), or find out more about boating safety or boating education in general? 

Use our handy class finder

--use the class finder if you are interested in helping teach, if you need a class to become Basically Qualified (BQ) or to meet the basic boating education requirements of the Boat Crew Program.

Vessel Safety Checks

Get a free Vessel Safety Check - a qualified Auxiliarst will check your boat for compliance with the applicable federal and state requirements in this free program. This isn't a law enforcement action - the examiner can't report any problems to law enforcement. Be safe, get a Vessel Safety Check and display the sticker proudly!

If you are in the Seattle area, fill out this form to request an appointment to have a local examiner contact you. If you are out of the Seattle area, use the national Vessel Examiner locator to find an examiner near you.

The advancement of boating safety is the primary goal and mission of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. You can find additional information About Us . You can also check out all of the activities throughout this and other Auxiliary web sites and Facebook pages.

Have fun, be safe, and think about joining us!