Welcome to the IS - AUXDATA II Web Site
If you are an elected officer, and plan to appoint a new IS Officer, you should arrange for that future IS Officer to take the next available AUX10 course. This training is not required in order to be appointed as an IS Officer, but it is required for the IS Officer to be given activity approval permissions in AUXDATA II. Please be aware that the AUX10 course demands of every candidate an extensive knowledge of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, its missions, its goals, and its procedures. It is highly recommended that any candidate for the AUX10 course, whether virtual or live, have at least two years of experience in the Auxiliary and at least one qualification, so that they have a sound understanding of the PQS process. Please discuss with your DSO-IS the needs of your unit before recommending a candidate for the course.
While all members are invited to record their own activities in AUXDATA II, the Chief Director of the Auxiliary requires training for IS Officers to have access to approval levels in AUXDATA II. Training Performance Objectives have been stipulated by the Chief Director's office and do not change from one class to the next. Successful candidates must be able to: explain the proper use of the Mission Codes utilized by the Auxiliary, enter accurately and correctly all data from the Auxiliary mission and management forms into AUXDATA II, explain and demonstrate the process for completing an Offer for Use and for requesting a Facility Inspection, explain and demonstrate the process for Requesting Patrol Orders and Completing those Orders at the end of a Patrol, and finally, explain and demonstrate the process for locating, cloning, modifying, exporting, and creating reports in AUXDATA II.
The Coast Guard also stipulates evaluations to ensure that students achieve the training performance objectives and demonstrate the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. Final evaluation requires that candidates return to their home units and perform the functions of an IS Officer, while being mentored by a Senior IS Officer in their Chain.
Students must have a Wi-Fi capable computer to use during either class. Prior to class, each student will be given access to the AUXDATA II Training Database (UAT). Before classes begin, students must log into AUXDATA II (UAT) and complete a series of exercises designed to familiarize themselves with the basic features of the system and to demonstrate their ability to enter Activity Logs. Students must attend all sessions and complete all assignments (generating reports and entering data into UAT to get credit for the course. It is anticipated that the virtual class will take up to seven weeks to complete and will require students to attend a two-hour class every Tuesday and Thursday evening or afternoon (time zone dependent) during that time. In addition to the virtual class sessions, students will be required to complete homework assignments.
The question is, which option will work best for you or for your candidates?
Each of you is aware that the AUX10 C-School is an intense course and has proven, over the years, to be extremely challenging. We have, in three or three and a half days, devoted a minimum of thirty hours to giving members a thorough grounding in Auxiliary missions, policies, procedures, and systems, and have rarely had 100% of the candidates in a session be successful.
But the resident C-School remains a valuable and viable option, especially for experienced Auxiliarists familiar with our missions and policies, and for IS Officers needing a refresher. It is also a good way for people still working full time or with a great number of obligations who would have difficulty committing to a six or seven-week virtual course, meeting two evenings a week. The other advantage of the in-person C-School is the opportunity to meet, work with, and get to know members from around the country. The time out of the classroom, sharing meals and laughing together, is invaluable.
The advantage of the longer course, especially for relatively new members, or for those who haven’t much experience with AUXDATA, is that they have several weeks to study the material, ask questions, and practice in the AUXDATA II sandbox. For working people, it also means not having to take time off work. And no one can ignore the challenges of travel in the age of COVID.
The choice of the AUX10 Virtual course or the traditional AUX10 C-School is up to the individual candidate and the time they can devote to getting a full understanding of the data reporting needs of the Coast Guard and Auxiliary. It is hoped that with two types of offering, we can expand our corps of experienced and knowledgeable IS Officers to better serve our membership.
AUX10 Class Dates Tentatively Scheduled for 2024:
March (N-TRAIN) - St. Louis, MO (2-5 MAR 24)
August (NACON) - Orlando, FL (10-13 AUG 24)
AUX10-V Class Dates Tentatively Scheduled for 2024:
2024 Session #01: (23 JAN - 07 MAR *)
2024 Session #02: (14 MAY - 27 JUN *)
2024 Session #03: (17 SEP - 31 OCT *)
* Approximate Dates
First Step: If you are interested in taking the course then please fill out and submit the form below. Enrollment details will be shared at that time.
NOTE: Submitting this form indicates your interest in taking a course only. It does NOT enroll you in a course.