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Service Recognition
The Vessel Examinations & Partner Visitation (V) Directorate hosts multiple incentive programs to honor Auxiliarists who serve its many mission areas. Auxiliarists earn special recognition when certified in a V-Directorate qualification, provide excellent annual service and dedicate years towards critical recreational boating safety (RBS) programs. The V-Directorate's Incentives Division is also developing new recognition programs for AUXLWO Observers and sustained RBS service for five years or more.
Examiner Program Ribbon The Examiner Program Ribbon recognizes qualification and service in the critical V-Directorate program areas. Auxiliarists may wear the ribbon who qualify as a Vessel Examiner (VE), Program Visitor (PV) or Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner. Auxiliarists who hold multiple certifications also add 3/16-inch bronze stars.

Service Performance Award The VE/PV Service ribbon is awarded for outstanding annual service. Auxiliarists must complete a combination of 60 or more program visits and vessel safety checks (VSC) each year. Auxiliarists may also qualify for a total of 20 exams of commercial fishing vessels, uninspected passenger vessels and uninspected towing vessels.

Recreational Boating Safety Device The RBS Device award recognizes the extraordinary effort of Auxiliarists who consistently provide strong support to RBS programs. It requires significant activity in boating safety programs over a minimum of two years. Qualifying activities include VSCs and program visits, as well as public affairs and other invaluable services.

Director's Coin Challenge The Vessel Examinations & Partner Visitation Directorate hosts the Director's Coin Challenge. Each year, the Director of the V-Directorate will award a challenge coin to the Auxiliarist in each district who performs the most VSCs on paddlecraft. The challenge is in addition to all other recognition available in RBS programs.

Century Club Award The Century Club Award recognizes committed service each year. It is presented annually to all Vessel Examiners and Program Visitors who complete any combination of 100 vessel safety checks and program visits in a calendar year. The award consists of a certificate signed by the Director of the V-Directorate.