Steps to Creating a New Web Site
Site Design Options
Auxiliary units have a great choice when contemplating building a new, or overhauling an obsolete, unit website. This is the opportunity to create a Content Management System “pushbutton” site using the Auxiliary's WOW system. WOW allows units – even those without CS officers – to easily create basic sites.
Hosting & Storage
Units constructing a classic website may have it hosted wherever they wish - providing the resulting website meets the National site requirements (e.g., no commercial advertising). However, any unit – flotilla, division or district – may have their site hosted at no charge on a National web server. Such sites, including legacy “AIRS” sites (for Auxiliary Internet Resource Site), are maintained by the individual units via a control panel. As with any other HTML site, the unit develops the site on a PC, and then uploads it to the server. Please note that new AIRS sites are no longer available to units.
All websites hosted on the Auxiliary server are currently subject to storage limits of 15 megabytes (MB) for flotillas, 20 MB for divisions, and 25 MB for districts.
The basic CS officer website creation process:
The unit decides they need an Auxiliary Website.
A CS officer is appointed. The CS officer needs to be listed as such in AUXDATA in order to gain configuration rights to the site.
The CS officer builds the WOW website. The site being built must meet all of the website requirements to be approved. These requirements are specified on the checklists available on the IT Group home page.
The CS officer presents the new website to the unit leadership. The elected unit leadership must approve the website to allow it to be published. They also have final approval of all content.
The CS officer requests the DSO-CS (through the appropriate channels) to submit the site for National approval. The DSO-CS reviews the site to confirm that it meets all National requirements, and if it does, requests National to review and approve the site.
The National staff reviews the website and either approves it or asks for corrections. Once approved, National sends an email to the CS officer and adds this new site to the Flotilla Finder and the PE Course Database.