Auxiliary Search Coordination and Execution

Auxiliary Search Coordination and Execution (AUXSC&E) is the Auxiliary version of the Coast Guard’s Search Coordination & Execution (SC&E) course. The SAR School teaches SC&E to hundreds of Coast Guard coxswains and air commanders each year. The AUXSC&E course is nearly identical to the Gold Side SC&E course. Both SC&E and AUXSC&E have been developed by the National SAR School to cover actual search and rescue coordination and execution.
Boat Coxswain and crew and air crew who have taken the old AUXSAR course are strongly encouraged to take this course. The materials are entirely new and very different from the old course. Also, because this is essentially the same course the active duty Coast Guard teaches, it is valuable knowledge for those who actually participate in search and rescue with active duty.
This class is the replacement for the AUXSAR class which is no longer available. Student and Instructor Guides for AUXSC&E are available from the Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC); please contact your Materials Officer. In order to obtain materials, a qualified AUXSC&E Instructor must have scheduled a class for a given date. Because this class is updated through the National SAR School on a frequent basis, student materials may become outdated and are not provided on this website.
Please also see the policy revisions related to the AUXSC&E Course in the Auxiliary Manual, pp. 8-30 to 8-33. Former AUXSC&E Policies are no longer in effect, including the requirement that a prospective student must have passed AUXACN A and B prior to taking AUXSC&E.
Unlike other AUXOP courses, AUXSC&E must be taught by qualified AUXSC&E Instructors. To become qualified as an AUXSC&E Instructor, Auxiliarists must pass both AUXSC&E and AUXSC&E TTT (Train the Trainer). Qualified AUXSC&E Instructors who were trained through a C School may qualify additional AUXSC&E Instructors by teaching both AUXSC&E and AUXSC&E TTT.