District Staff Positions

HOUSTON - Auxiliarist Michael Kappas, foreground, and Auxiliarist Rusty Pumphrey, who are among about 60 Coast Guard Auxiliarists activated for service during Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath, work in the Houston incident command post Sept. 17, 2017. Both are contributing to an EPA-led oil and hazardous material recovery effort drawing on expertise from federal, state, local, and tribal partners. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer John Masson.
District Emergency Management Staff Positions
Every Auxiliary District has an appointed DSO-EM. That person is responsible for managing the EM program in that District. The District Commodore determines how they do so, what programs they initiate, and how they report to Auxiliary District leadership. There is no one administrative template common to all Districts. How extensive the emergency management staff is in any one district is based on several factors unique to that District.
Some Districts also utilize ADSO for EM operations. Some use these positions to manage specific geographical areas, while others work in various EM programs. If interested, contact your DSO-EM and discuss how you want to get involved. You can find your DSO-EM's contact information in AuxOfficer, (login Required).
Some Districts also utilize ADSO for EM operations. Some use these positions to manage specific geographical areas, while others work in various EM programs. If interested, contact your DSO-EM and discuss how you want to get involved. You can find your DSO-EM's contact information in AuxOfficer, (login Required).