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D1NR Pub Features EM Activities

Wed, 19 Jun 24  
The Nor'Easter, D1NR's District Publication, dedicated and entire edition to Emergency Management and Disaster Response.  COMO John Hume and DCOS Glen Gayton encouraged members to investigate opportunities to serve in EM positions.  The edition features articles on EM activities from D1NR and showcases the broad reach of EM activities in the District.  Have a look

D1NR EM Edition Cover



Wed, 19 Jun 24  
AUX Charles Gregory, 8WR Division 31, was among only 11 Team Coast Guard Members to be awarded the Coast Guard Emergency Management Credential (CGEMC).   ALCOAST 250/24 announced the April 2024 Coast Guard Emergency Management Credential (CGEMC) Board results.
The CGEMC Board was established in 2021 to recommend Coast Guard personnel who have demonstrated the highest levels of expertise and proficiency in the field of Emergency Management (EM) for a credential. This credential is a cornerstone effort designed to advance crisis leadership skills within the Coast Guard by promoting the principles of EM.

The CGEMC is available to any active duty (officer or enlisted), civilian, reserve (officer or enlisted), auxiliary member and DHS personnel who meet the training, experience, and test criteria, regardless of specialty or assigned duty station/position.

Congratulations to Aux Gregory and all the other successful candidates.  BZ!

Auxiliary EM Specialist PQS Guide Available

Sat, 15 Jun 24  
The Coast Guard Auxiliary Emergency Management Specialist PQS Guide is now available on the Emergency Management and Disaster Response Website.  The Emergency Management Specialist (EMS) competency is a valued position for the Coast Guard and is recommended for members seeking an Emergency Management position. This new document is intended to guide Auxiliary members in navigating the qualification process.

Aux EMS PQS Guide Cover

2023 Emergency Mgt. Award Recipients Announced

Sat, 15 Jun 24  
The Coast Guard has announced the winners of the 2023 Emergency Management Awards. The Emergency Management Awards recognize operational units and individual members who exemplify the highest standards of professionalism and initiative in the field of emergency management. 
Congratulations to the 2023 Emergency Management Unit of the Year: Sector Honolulu. Ensuring the Hawaiian Islands are prepared for all-hazards, Sector highlights include their responses to several major events, most notably, Typhoon Mawar and the Western Maui Wildfire.  Congratulations also to the 2023 Emergency Manager of the Year: Mr. Ken Jones, Sector Charleston Emergency Management Specialist.  Read more about these and other award recipients at ALCOAST 248/24.

ICS 305 is now on Aux Classroom

Sat, 15 Jun 24  
ICS 305 is now available in AUX Classroom.  ICS 305 is an ICS review course important for the currency maintenance of CG Emergency Management certifications.  This review course is designed for those emergency response personnel who would function in a Command or General Staff position during a large, complex incident or event, or personnel who are or would likely be part of a local or regional Incident Management Team during a major incident, whether single agency, multiagency or Unified Command.  Log into Aux Classroom and navigate to the FEMA course Catalog or log into Aux Classroom and Visit ICS 305 in Aux Classroom.  If you are not logged into Aux Classroom you will get an error message with this link.

May CG-OEM Newsletter Available

Fri, 14 Jun 24  

The May edition of the CG-OEM Newsletter is available. A number of articles this month will be of interest to Auxiliary members have a look !


CG-OEM Newsletter Masthead


Mission Partner Identity, Credential & Access Management Program Site

Thu, 09 May 24  

The Trusted Associate Sponsorship System formerly used to vet individuals for access to the system has been renamed the Mission Partner Identity, Credential and Access Management (MP ICAM ) Program Siteread more

Q Directorate Job Descriptions Posted

Fri, 12 Apr 24  
Job Descriptions for all positions in the Emergency Planning and Disaster Response Directorate are posted under the Directorate Staff left menu item.  The duties, responsibilities and reporting structure can be seen by reviewing the Directorate job descriptions and the organizational chart.

Everbridge User Guide Released

Thu, 11 Apr 24  
The Everbridge Emergency Notification System User Guide was released in April 2024. This guidance document is intended to standardize Everbridge management concepts, and includes recommended best practices for routine administration and training exercises. This guidance extends to all Auxiliary Districts and sub-elements authorized to access the Everbridge application.

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (Auxiliary) licenses the Everbridge cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) platform for communication and membership accountability. Everbridge allows the Auxiliary to connect with members through a wide array of communication channels on mobile and desktop devices to maximize message delivery. Authorized Auxiliary users may utilize the Everbridge platform to send immediate or scheduled notifications to specific individuals, groups, lists, or geographic locations in accordance with the protocols and guidelines developed in their District. 

Everbridge User Guide Cover

Have a look at the 2024 Everbridge Training Presentation  (02-15-2024) for more on Everbridge.

Everbridge training slides




Mon, 04 Mar 24  

Auxiliary Agency Representative PQS Guide

Sat, 24 Feb 24  
The Auxiliary Agency Representative PQS Guide, June 2023 provides interested members in the path to qualification as Aux AREP.  AREPs act as the link between the local EOC and their Sector. Their local knowledge gives them a unique perspective. They communicate any request for service from the EOC to the Coast Guard and provide information on bridge closings, waterway hazards, port issues, etc., to the Sector for awareness.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary Agency Representative Program was initiated to relieve the active duty stations from the need to staff county Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) when stations were dealing with securing the station, boats, and potential evacuation.

Auxiliarists have served as AReps for their respective Sectors, gaining extensive knowledge in the Incident Command System (ICS).

AREP Document Cover 

New ICS Training Job Aid Available

Tue, 12 Dec 23  

The USCG has issued a new Incident Command System (ICS) Training Job Aid (Jan 23) has been posted on the References page of the Q Directorate website. The document details the USCG qualification process for ICS positions on all-hazard incidents and planned events. The USCG ICS Training Aid and associated position-specific Performance Qualification Standard (PQS) Workbooks are built upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Incident Management System (NIMS) credentialing guidelines, FEMA NIMS resource typing standards, and FEMA NIMS Position-specific Task Books (PTBs).

Cover ICS Training Job Aid

Solicitation for Attendance at Emergency Mgt. Conference

Mon, 11 Dec 23  
The Emergency Management and Incident Response Directorate has released a Solicitation for Attendance at an Emergency Management Conference aimed at members involved in Emergency Management Programs. The announcement describes the target applicants as well as the application and selection process,

Aux EM Career Progression Guide Released

Mon, 04 Dec 23  

The Auxiliary Emergency Management Career Progression Guide has been released.  This Guide is the primary reference for Auxiliary members seeking involvement in Emergency Management programs.

Cover Aux EM Career Progression Guide

2023 EM Credential Application Guide Released

Mon, 29 May 23  

The Coast Guard Office of Emergency Management, CGOEM, has released the 2023 Coast Guard Emergency Management Credential Application Guide.

The goal of the Coast Guard Emergency Management Credential (CGEMC) Program, managed by CG-OEM, is to advance the EM profession within the Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by promoting the principles of EM. The CGEMC is available to any Coast Guard active duty (officer or enlisted), civilian, reserve (officer or enlisted), auxiliary member and DHS employee who meets the training, experience, and test criteria, regardless of specialty or assigned duty station/position. The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions on completing the certification process. This credentialing program will recognize our current and future workforce with robust EM knowledge and leadership skills needed during disasters and crises. This document and other related EM credentialing application documents are available on our site under EM Qualification / CGEMC. Member Zone credentials are required to access these documents.


Cover of EM Credential App Guide


GAP Analysis Update - NTRAIN 2023

Mon, 03 Apr 23  
William Hanlon, Director of the Emergency Management and Disaster Response Directorate, provided a 9 minute overview on the status of data collection for the ongoing GAP Analysis Program at NTRAIN 2023. Click on the title slide image below to connect to a YouTube video of the presentation.

GAP Analysis Presentation NTRAIN
Click Here or on image above to watch the presentation on YouTube


Southwest Border Operation Documents

Sun, 05 Mar 23  

The Emergency Management and Disaster Response Directorate has posted the Incident Action Plan and the After Action Report on the recent Southwest Border Operation.  Member Zone login is required to view these documents. See the Incident Plan/Rpts submenu under ICS Resources 


Q Directorate Reading List

Thu, 23 Feb 23  

In order to encourage the professional development of Emergency Management and Disaster Response Leaders, we have established a recommended reading list which will be expanding over time.  A link to the Q Director's Reading List is here and on the left menu of the Q Directorate website.