Position Specific Performance Qualification Standards (PQS)
Below are the first two PQS you should begin with, as previously recommended. They are basic and allow you to begin career training. Attaining these two competencies will demonstrate how the PQS process works, which will make more challenging PQS’ easier to complete as you work along your career path.
The remaining PQS are divided into five groupings based on the position and where it falls in the ICS structure. You will learn that there is a Command Staff with four Sections under that. The Sections are Finance/Administration, Operations, Logistics, and Planning. As previously discussed, you may want to begin your emergency management career based on prior job or Auxiliary experience. You will find that you must begin with the base positions and move up. Experience and qualification in one position are required before moving up to the next level. This helps ensure that people in leadership roles know the jobs of their team and that the best-trained person leads the group.
Command Staff
Planning Section
Logistics Section
Finance & Administration Section
Operations Section