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Auxiliary Uniforms

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 Now Available
The Interactive USCG Auxiliary Uniform Guide 

Link to the Guide



The Mission of the Uniform Division is to provide comprehensive, timely, and accurate uniform related information to guide our members on proper uniform wear. Our first goal is to emphasize the expected uniform and grooming standards that are shared between active, reserve, and Auxiliary personnel, which highlight our commitment to the core values of honor, respect, and devotion to duty. By adhering to proper uniform and grooming standards, we stand ready to serve as sworn members of the Team Coast Guard community.

Our second goal is to help members with resources where they can purchase or acquire uniforms and associated items to ensure a shared and professional look. Our team is composed of members with a passion for proper uniform wear. Why is it important? Uniforms signify a unit of purpose and an outward admission of adhering to a certain set of core beliefs and principles. Uniforms set the wearer apart from the larger society and imbue a sense of pride and community among those who are privileged to wear them. It is up to all of us to maintain an acceptable image while in uniform and our team stands ready to help answer your questions. Remember, wear the uniform correctly and with pride!


Mandatory Uniform Inspection Requirements (a Must Read)   

Click HERE


 Updating Uniform Inspection on  Aux Data II


Link to Instructions


 H-Directorate     Human Resources

 DIRECTOR; Lee Zimmermann       DEPUTY DIRECTOR; Steve Trojanov

DIVISION CHIEF;                                Robert Yslas    
BRANCH CHIEF ATLANTIC EAST;     Sherry Kisver             
BRANCH CHIEF ATLANTIC WEST;    Tom Stokes               
BRANCH CHIEF PACIFIC;                  Mark Goodman