Culinary Assistance Program
Welcome to the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Web Site
What is the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program?
The Auxiliary Culinary Assistance (AUXCA) program enhances Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary mission readiness, effectiveness, and execution by providing culinary support to Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary units by:
• Promoting and providing culinary assistance to Coast Guard units (both on land and at sea) and to Auxiliary units.
• Supporting the Coast Guard National Strategic Plan.
• Training and maintaining a high degree of proficiency to support the CG and the Auxiliary.
AUXCA Specialists are trained by certified AUXCA Instructors and/or USCG Active-Duty Culinary Specialists II and above using Coast Guard Approved AUXCA Program guides. Classroom training is followed by hands on training. A Personnel Qualification Standard is completed within one year of training. An Annual Sanitation Course is also required. Additional requirements may be necessary based on the competency desired.

Division Chief of Auxiliary Culinary Assistance
Paulette R Parent - DVC-HC
The division consists of five Branch Chiefs (BC) who represent the first line of national staff leadership to each of the auxiliary districts throughout the nation. Each auxiliary district is represented by a District Staff Officer - Culinary Assistance (DSO-CA).
Welcome! Thank you for visiting the website of the new U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program (AUXCA) formerly Auxiliary Food Service Program (AUXFS).RECENT HISTORY: Early in 2021 the AUXFS Program underwent major changes. Originally established as a program in direct support of the U.S. Coast Guard galleys both on land and at sea, it became evident that a broader application was needed. As a result, the AUXFS program underwent major changes and was renamed the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program (AUXCA). The AUXCA program would enable members to participate in the program on one of two levels, depending on their personal abilities and needs. More members can now participate in trained culinary activities while serving fellow shipmates.
AUXCA PROGRAM: The two levels are AUXCA-1 Specialist and AUXCA-2 Specialist. An AUXCA-1 would train, perform duties and maintain currencies as specified in the AUXCA Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The AUXCA-1 duties are in direct support of the Coast Guard and may also assist the Auxiliary. An AUXCA-2 would train and perform duties under less stringent guidelines as specified in the AUXCA SOP. The AUXCA-2 would support Coast Guard Auxiliary events only. An AUXCA-2 is not eligible to work in or for any Coast Guard unit, cutter or event. The initial preparation and training are similar for both levels, but the training circumstances, currencies and mandatory participation hours are different.
MISSION: The AUXCA Program serves to support the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary for all culinary needs. It is a very rewarding program for all participants regardless of expertise or abilities. There is a place in the AUXCA program for all members.
Auxiliarists should contact their local SO-CA or DSO-CA for more information. U.S. Coast Guard land based units or cutters who wish to request AUXCA-1 assistance should contact their Auxiliary Liaison Officer, Auxiliary Sector Coordinator, Auxiliary Unit Coordinator or DSO-CA.
Thanks for your interest in the AUXCA Program. Please explore the website and see what we are all about.
Semper Paratus!
Click Here to see the Org-Chart
Contact Culinary Assistance Branch Chiefs:
Atlantic East - Garrison Bromwell (BC-HCE)
Atlantic West - Robert Rice (BC-HCW)
Pacific - Barry Chapman (BC-HCP)
Administration - Norm Campbell (BC-HCA)
Media - Michael Gonzalez (BC-HCM)
AUXCA in Action: Click this link to view our crew in action.
AUXCA General Information: Click to view the video below.
Anne Wright Hard at Work: Click to view.

You can take the class at your convenience. Once you have mastered the material in the class you should then take the test discussed below.
There is a twenty-five question test that you must take to meet the annual requirement.
When you pass the test, you will have the opportunity to print out a passed test certificate for your records and your participation will be recorded in AUXDATAII. DSO-CAs will automatically be notified of your completion.
Remember: Passing the Annual AUXCA Sanitation test is required for you to continue serving as an AUXCA. All AUXCA1s and AUXCA2s are required to successfully complete this annual requirement.
In order to access the workshop, go to the following link: or copy it into your browser.
From the On-Line Classroom Home page select H-Human Resources from the Navigation menu. Select 'AUXCA 2023' from the course list. You will then logon and take the class and then proceed to the National Testing Center at the following link: or copy it into your browser.
Thank you for being a part of the AUXCA Culinary Assistance Team!