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Rules of Order

Any business meeting of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, whether it is a meeting of a flotilla, or division, District or National Board, must proceed in an orderly way if it is to bring satisfactory results. There are certain widely accepted rules of conducting such meetings. The “Rules of Order” are a part of that large body or practices which are grouped under the term “parliamentary procedure.”

Besides making for orderliness of procedure, parliamentary rules are intended to protect the rights of the individual participant and of minorities at a meeting. At the same time, they are also intended to enable the majority to get things accomplished without reasonable delay. The parliamentary rules of particular importance are easy to understand.

For purposes of clarity, the “Presiding Officer” could be the Flotilla Commander, Division Captain, or District Commodore. When “Board” is mentioned, this would be synonymous with the voting members of the body.

Download Rules of Order here.