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Level 3 Leadership DVC, DCDR, VCDR, SO

Division Chief, Division Commander, Vice Division Commander, Division Staff Officer

 Fundamental to successful development as a leader is an understanding of self and one’s own abilities. This includes understanding one’s personality, values, and preferences, while simultaneously recognizing one’s potential as a member of the Coast Guard team. Personal conduct, health and well-being, character, technical proficiency, lifelong learning, followership, and organizational commitment are elements to consider when setting short and long-term goals focused upon the leadership development of “self.”

Leadership involves working with and influencing others to achieve common goals and to foster a positive workplace climate. Auxiliarists interact with others in many ways, whether as supervisor, mentor, manager, team member, team leader, peer or worker. Positive professional relationships provide a foundation for the success of our Service. Showing respect for others, using effective communications, influencing others, working in teams, and taking care of one’s people are elements to consider when evaluating one’s capacity for leading others. Developing these qualities will increase capacity to serve.

Methods for Gaining and Demonstrating Competence

Auxiliarists are a diverse group. Some have extensive civilian leadership training and experience. Others have had more limited opportunities. To ensure success the Auxiliary needs capable leaders at all levels in the organization. The above sections define the minimum expectations for leaders at each level in the Auxiliary. This section identifies the intended performance level targets for each of the major Auxiliary leadership training courses.

In addition to Auxiliary training courses, there are other resources available to Auxiliarists. Check with your Member Training Staff Officer for available sources.

Many Districts publish District Policy Manuals. Auxiliary members at all levels are encouraged to utilize these resources.

The section below describes the specific leadership/management courses intended for each level and the minimum performance level targets for each of these in terms of the 28 leadership competencies expected of graduates of these courses. Three target performance levels are included:

1. Awareness: The Auxiliarist is aware of the concept and can define its meaning.
2. Application: The Auxiliarist is capable of applying the concepts and principles of the leadership competency in his/her customary work environment (e.g., at the Flotilla, Division, District, or National Levels).
3. Overall responsibility: The Auxiliarist has awareness, application skills, and overall responsibility for ensuring that members in their care have sufficient training and skills.

In the descriptions below, these three levels (awareness, application, overall responsibility) are denoted 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Level Three (DCDR, VCDR, SO, National DVC)
Auxiliarists at level three should have completed the Basic Qualification Course (BQC) and (in many cases) the Auxiliary Procedures Course (APC), the Auxiliary Leadership and Management School (AUXLAMS), and the Flotilla Commanders Academy (FCA). Additionally, they should have completed the Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course (AMLOC) that is specifically designed for level three leaders.

In the categories of “Leading Self” and “Leading Others” the performance levels are typically “2s,” meaning that they have not only an awareness, but also are qualified to apply these competencies at the level of the Auxiliary Division within a District or a Division on National Staff. The Auxiliary expects that leaders at this level will have superior communication skills, so this category is assigned a “3.” In the category “Leading Performance and Change”

AMLOC is expected to help them achieve “2s” and “3s” for many competencies, which reflects their increased responsibilities at this performance/responsibility level. AMLOC is not expected to provide additional training in stewardship, technology management, financial management, or human resource management because these competencies have been addressed at level two. AMLOC introduces information relevant to the “political savvy” competency as this becomes more important at this performance level.