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Auxiliary Upper-Level Officer Course

The Auxiliary Upper Level Officer Course (AULOC) is adapted from material taught in the USCG Senior Leadership Principles and Skills (SLPS) Course and the Mid-Career Officer Transition Course (MCOTC) and is taught by Coast Guard trained instructors. It is based on the 28 Leadership Competencies, which lay the foundation for all leadership skills necessary to successful leadership in the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary.

This three-day resident course is held during the National Training Meeting (N-TRAIN) during January, using a variety of instructional methods to deliver and demonstrate effective leadership techniques appropriate to the senior level of the Auxiliary. The course includes pre-residency assignments.

Topics covered and practiced include: protocol, DCAPT duties and responsibilities, servant leadership, vision development, team building, functions of the Auxiliary Association, influencing others, disciplinary and legal processes, conflict management, communications, and transition management. Students demonstrate their knowledge of each competency through the use of skill checks, daily tests, demonstrations of their ability to implement their use through interactive exercises, and a capstone event.

The course is based on a structure of USCG leadership competencies, providing both alignment with Coast Guard standards, the Auxiliary Leadership Framework and Leadership Development Strategy (revised 2011), while addressing the unique training issues facing the volunteer administrator.

This course will:

Prepare students to positively impact their District and the Coast Guard Auxiliary
Give students a broad and future oriented perspective
Create opportunities for students to leverage an expanded peer network across multiple specialties
Provide students with awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and their impact on others.
Provide students with an understanding of how all Coast Guard Auxiliary components work together to accomplish the Coast Guard’s Auxiliary missions Provide a learning experience that will reinvigorate students and foster a sense of commitment to the organization and its missions.
Conduct a course that is dynamic, informative and student-centered through the use of rigorous academics and blended learning methods provide the skills students need to tackle complex problems in a systematic and disciplined way.
Ensure students understand how the Coast Guard Auxiliary interacts with and is influenced by governmental and non-governmental agencies to accomplish national priorities of the organization.

To successfully complete this course, the student must meet all the terminal performance objectives unless otherwise stated in the objective Auxiliarists are required to successfully complete a minimum of seven (7) credits from three categories of courses to receive the AUXOP qualification.

The list of courses in the leadership category includes AULOCAULOC is required of all newly elected DCAPTs and is a pre-requisite for the Auxiliary Senior Officer Course (ASOC).

Successful completion of the course requires that pre-assignments to be submitted for grading before the resident session to prepare students for the intense training delivered during the resident presentations.

Pre -resident assignments will be required for graduation certificates to be issued.

To access the Auxiliary Upper-Level Officer Course student support site click here.