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Application Process

To apply to attend the AUX-06 C-School you will need to fill out a Short Term Training Request (ANSC 7059) and submit it to your DIRAUX with a copy to the AUX-06 Coordinator (link on main page.)

The form has a space for Priority.  Please use the following to determine your priority -

  • Priority 1 - Candidates must be a Navigation Systems Staff Officer, at any level, and HAVE the Aid Verifier (AV) PQS qualification.

  • Priority 2 - Navigation Systems Staff Officer, at any level, who do not hold AV PQS
    qualification. Currently AV-PQS qualified but do not hold a NS Staff position.

  • Priority 3 - All others not AV PQS qualified, will be enrolled based on available space.

Staff position and Aid Verifier qualification will be verified via AUXDATA