United States Coast Guard Auxiliary - Public Affairs

Auxiliary Stock Photos & Graphics on Flickr
Auxiliary Web Banners on Google Drive
All banners could be use on your WOW Dashboard. Please note when adding these banners to your site, the Layout parameters are Width of 550 and Height will slightly differ upon image. Click on BOX Constrain Property to prevent from image distortion. Additional banners can be designed if requested. Please contact the PA Web Director.
U.S. Coast Guard Stock Photos on Flickr
Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (Coast Guard)
National Conference and National Training Convention Stock Photos
VIRIN Information (Submitting Auxiliary Photographs)
In terms of photo selection, your job as an Auxiliary Photographer is to choose that represent your photography skills and talent. You are also providing a visual representation of the U.S. Coast Guard and the Auxiliary. Use the following procedure when submitting all Auxiliary photographs, not just Photo of the Month and Award Contest submission. CLICK here for more information on Properly Submitting Auxiliary Photographs.
A VIRIN is a numerical filename system where the first six numbers are the year, month and day. For Example, 050622 is June 22, 2005. These numbers are followed by a "-" and then the service indicator letter "G". Next are the last four numbers from the photographer's member identification number and the first letter of the photographer's last name; this is followed by a dash and then the photographer's daily sequence number.
The Photo Corps, part of the Department of Public Affairs, consists of members who professional or advanced amateur photographers who take high resolution digital photographs for use within the U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. Membership is open to any Auxiliarist who has the photographic equipment and skills to produce high quality images suitable for publication. Click the following link to learn more about the Auxiliary Photo Corps.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary "Photo of the Month" (POTM) program is administered by the Photography Branch of the National Public Affairs "A" department. The purpose is to highlight photos of exceptional quality that accurately convey various missions and program areas, as well as significant special events. CLICK the following link to learn more about the POTM.