Public Affairs Specialist Training Program

Welcome to the Public Affairs Specialist Program
The PA Specialist Program offers a pathway to skills development by blending formal and on-the-job training. Candidates are certified through AUXPA3 [Entry Level], AUXPA2 [Intermediate Level] and AUXPA1 [Senior Level] levels using the Performance Qualification System (PQS). Each candidate completes a series of tasks for print and broadcast media, photography, public appearances, video, static displays, and exhibits.
The advanced levels require expertise in media relations, radio and TV interviews, the Incident Command System (ICS), and the Joint Information Center (JIC).
For more information on obtaining a PA qualification,
please Click Here to view "The Road to AUX PA" guide.
- AUX-20: Introduction to Auxiliary Public Affairs
- AUX-22: Coast Guard Public Affairs Specialist 2nd Class
- AUX-23: Journalism for Coast Guard Public Affairs
- AUX-26: Intro to Digital Photography
- ICS 100: Introduction to Incident Command System
Mentors available for assistance:
- Erik Nielsen
- Barbara Sama
- Carlos Arenas
- Miles Brusherd
- Bruce Buckley
- Jimmin Chang
- Vincent Del-Giudice
- William Garvey
- Rudy Lopez, Jr.
- Scott Hedblom
- Sean Peoples
- Diane Riggan
- Kathlene Sage
- John Sasso
- Mitchell Schlitt
- Sandro Sherrod
- Robert Stringer
- Edward Ventress
For candidates who finished AUX-12:
- AUXPA3 completion
- AUX-21: Coast Guard Public Affairs Policy
- AUX-23: Journalism for Coast Guard Public Affairs
- ICS 200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
- AUXPA3 completion
- AUX-21: Coast Guard Public Affairs Policy
- ICS 200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
The award for this competency is a 3/16-inch bronze star placed on the PA Specialist ribbon.

Mentors available for assistance:
- Erik Nielsen
- Barbara Sama
- Bob Schabert
- Barry Denton
- Andrew Niquette
- Robert Carlson
- Deborah Cordone
- Henry Cushard III
- Grant Graves
- Kristen Iglesias
- William Key
- Lourdes Oliveras
- Robert E. Kumpf, Jr.
- Jenny Shea
- Thea Narkiewicz
- Jose Nieves
- Benjamin Palmer
- Mary Patton
- John Saran
- Sue Thurlow
- Thomas Violante
- Todd Wilkinson
AUXPA2 completion plus the following E-Learning courses are required
- ICS 800: Intro to National Response Plan (NRP)
For AUXPA3 [Entry Level] designation, candidates are verified in 37 tasks; AUXPA2 [Intermediate Level] candidates demonstrate skill in 38 tasks; and for AUXPA1 [Senior Level], candidates focus on 25 tasks.
The award for earning the AUXPA1 [Senior Level] competency is a second 3/16-inch bronze star placed on the Public Affairs Specialist ribbon.

Mentors available for assistance:
- Barbara Sama
- Barry Denton
- Andrew Niquette
- Robert Carlson
- Deborah Cordone
- Henry Cushard III
- Grant Graves
- Kristen Iglesias
- William Key
- Lourdes Oliveras
- Robert E. Kumpf, Jr.
- Jenny Shea
- Thea Narkiewicz
- Jose Nieves
- Benjamin Palmer
- Mary Patton
- John Saran
- Sue Thurlow
- Thomas Violante
- Todd Wilkinson
Task Verification in PQS Notebook
Both Auxiliary and active-duty Coast Guard public affairs officers can provide mentoring and guidance. Have your mentor (verifying officer) sign and date the notebook adjacent to each task you complete.
Generally, a verifying officer will be a graduate of AUX-12, the public affairs C-School, and will have completed the qualification level you are seeking.
Documentation Packet
Once all courses and PQS tasks are finished and verified, submit a documentation packet via e-mail (all files in PDF format) to BC-ATP Rudy Lopez, Jr.
The packet should consist of a Portable Document File (PDF) of each signed PQS notebook page along with PDFs of all completed course certificates. Scan each document with a flatbed scanner, then save as a PDF.
Oral Board
You will be scheduled for an oral board following review and validation of your documentation packet. The board consists of two or three qualified public affairs officers (generally members of the national PA staff) and is conducted as a conference call via computer using Skype software. Download your free copy at and set up the software with your personalized "Skype name."Don't develop undue anxiety about the board. it's not an inquisition or criminal interrogation. Questions during an oral board for AUXPA3, for example, generally review your knowledge of these areas:
- Purpose and role of public affairs
- Elements of journalism and news writing
- Use of media
- Media relations
- Photojournalism
- Digital photo techniques.
When you complete the board, you'll receive (through your DIRAUX) a designation letter from the Public Affairs Director along with a PA Specialist certificate. You are then authorized to wear the distinctive PA Specialist ribbon. Your DIRAUX will make the appropriate AUXDATA entry.
To Maintain Currency
A Public Affairs Specialist must serve at least 16 hours per year in public affairs activity, as recorded in AUXDATA.
All AUX-12/PA-3 requirements must be satisfied within one year to gain certification.